Her mother had given her the opportunity to duck out of helping tonight, given that there would be members of a different club in town. The Rabid Dogs were allies, but they were still men who drank heavily and tended to think with their small brain first, as the dick at the bar had proven tonight. Ashleigh hadn’t spent long enough in the main room to put names to faces. She had elected to help out because she wanted to see Paul and had been hoping that maybe she’d have the chance to get a little close to him again. Well that wish had been granted in spades. Whoever it was that had grabbed hold of her should have been more observant, but it was well into the night and she could excuse his behavior far easier than she could Tag’s. The stupid little douche had left her hanging, hadn’t said a fucking word to get the other guy to let go of her. From the conversation by the pool table, she knew that Tag would receive a thorough education in the error of his ways.
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