He had to show the teacher what he’d learned. He showed her his flutter kick. He showed her his side glide. He showed her his back float. Bruno could float on his back for a very long time. He was an excellent floater. “That’s great, Bruno!” the teacher called. Bruno kept on floating. The teacher called, “Bruno? Bruno?” Bruno floated on. “Hello, Bruno? You can stop floating now!” “Hey,” Bruno told her. “You woke me up!” Next he showed her his rollover glide with flutter kick. Bruno added two extra rollovers. “That was a screwdriver glide with flutter kick,” he said. The last thing Bruno had to do was swim from one side of the pool to the other. Mom came and cheered him on. “Yeah, Bruno!” she called. When he got to the other side, Mom was there again. “Bruno! Bruno! Rah, Rah, Rah!” Bruno was a little bit embarrassed. All the other parents were sitting on the benches like they were supposed to. Afterward, the teacher handed out the report cards. A badge was stapled to Bruno’s card.