Every once and awhile, after reading something (or several things) really thoughtful or heavy, or that I just feel take a lot of reading energy, I like to pick up some fluff that I know I can blow through in a day or two. I saw Eat Me at a thrift store and it seemed like a decent sensational read, sort of pushing it from a foreign and more risque "Sex and the City" angle (though I think this may have come out first) - four friends trying to find love, lots of sex talk, etc. I have to say, though, I didn't really find anything that risque or even all that interesting about it. Eat Me is basically erotica disguised as a novel - from the descrip you'd think there was a plot line, but as in porn movies, there isn't much of one. There are four lady friends, and they all date around, deal with new boyfriends, exes, overlapping dating, etc. There is lots and lots of sex, so if you're looking for that, Eat Me delivers, but the sex scenes are a little lackluster, trite stories about sailors and truck mechanics and horseback riding. Some of it is genuinely pretty hot, but more of it is also just laughable. It was the late '90s, so maybe these kinds of things were more sensational then, but I highly doubt it. The most interesting scene is probably the one that opens the book, and like a smart album track-listing, you never put your best song first because then it always feels like it's just going downhill. Additionally, there was this whole convoluted plot line towards the end, a book inside a book, that was just unnecessary.Ultimately, if you're looking for a sexy read, I'd stick with Anais Nin, but if you're looking for something with more modern pop culture and fashion references, then I guess this works.
I can't remember why I wanted to read this book. I'm fairly certain I had a good reason. Maybe it was recommended to me, maybe the title grabbed me... I'm not sure. All I know is that I don't ever want to read it again, for one reason:FOOD DOES NOT BELONG NEAR, ON, IN OR AROUND THE GENITALS.Furthermore, if a grape is lodged so far up your vagina that you cannot extract it, maybe that's a hint to not try it a second time. Y'know, just a pointer.I was also confused as to why all the characters were okay with giving an, ahem, blow-by-blow account of their sexual fantasies.
What do You think about Eat Me (1998)?
if you're looking for profound, lyrical prose, and rich characterization, this is not the book for you. however, if the idea of living in sexual fantasyland for a little while sounds appealing, then dish this book right up. when the characters aren't actually having sex, they're probably talking about it, or the impact relationships have had on their lives, albeit in a cursory way. in that way, this is a dull read. the good news is that a) this book is relatively short and b) they dream up or experience some spicy little scenes, making this a quick, fluffy read.
OK, I admit I was forewarned that this book was definitely on the edge and erotica played heavy, but nothing could prepare me for Eat Me. The first chapter blew me away and I thought, "What the heck am I reading, and why am I even continuing? And who is Ava? I thought the novel revolved around Julia, Chantal, Helen and Phillpa?" Naturally after reading more I figured it out. But this definitely was way more than I bargained for!The erotica was 97% of the book, so it's really hard to bill this a chick lit since I didn't feel there was enough stories and follow through with the central characters to really define what was going on.I would have enjoyed the book more had there actually been a plot and something to sink my teeth into. There were a few brief attempts to introduce a plot and character development but it was so poorly done and veiled that I was surprised the writer bothered with adding it all. Eat Me seemed more of a way to pass off porn than a story about the lives of four women.Four steamy women.