Nanny Piggins And The Daring Rescue 7 (2012) - Plot & Excerpts
She was making a decision, a very important decision. Nanny Piggins had come into a windfall. Her Great Aunty Doris had sent her ten dollars for her birthday. It wasn’t Nanny Piggins’ birthday, but Aunty Doris believed in celebrating all her relatives’ birthdays on the same day (the way people do with horses) as it saved having to remember all those dates. So she had nominated 27 April as her Comprehensive Relative Birthday Day, then sent out ten-dollar notes to all her relatives who were younger than her, and rude accusing birthday cards to relatives who were older than her (usually denouncing them for not sending her ten dollars on her birthday). Ten dollars was a significant sum for Nanny Piggins because she only earned 11 cents an hour. More importantly, it was significant because ten dollars would allow her to buy four of Hans’ cakes. But the difficulty was making a decision when there were so many good choices. Nanny Piggins approached this sort of choice with the consideration and thoroughness that usually only top world leaders use in negotiating trade treaties.
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