Twilight has fallen. The ocean is a mere twenty feet away at high tide, an inferno of frothing spray and white spumes. The roar of the waves almost drowns out the laughter of the twins and Alice playing beach volleyball. A buffet table is spread there with enough food for ten. Heathcliff, wearing an apron and a chef’s hat, is barbecuing corncobs on a grill. Platters of marinated meats like uncooked beside him. Is there no end to the things the man can do? A small pig roasts upon a spit which has been erected over a small bonfire. A waiter continuously brushes oil and gravy on the pig as he turns the spit. A similar, albeit much larger, spit lies dormant close by. Max’s swimwear is a black thong. It covers his penis with a tight layering, but – like mine – narrows into a G-string which nestles deep into his butt cleft. He is so magnificent with his firm upper body muscles and the six delineated squares on his abdomen that I cannot take my eyes off him. He hails his siblings. They look up.
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