Ian’s apartment looked out on the bay and the city. It had a terrace for taking advantage of the view, though that wasn’t needed. The beauty below was visible from every window. Cami could see Lake Union and even the Space Needle.It wasn’t a college party, so wasn’t likely to get out of control. But techies had been known to blow off steam, Bradan had told her, so be prepared. The techno beat of Beyoncé’s “Run The World” reverberated against the walls and shook the windows.It was so loud it made introductions difficult. In a way that made it easier, because Cami didn’t need to remember all the names. No one could hear anyway. They wove through people to get to the kitchen where the drinks were.Cami wore her hair long and straight. With more makeup than usual and leather pumps, she might have been overdressed for the crowd. But it was a company party, after all. And she felt more attractive in her dressy wear. Being with a hunk of a guy demanded she looked like she fit the role as his date.Not easy.