You want me to leave now?” Tory asks, her large eyes boring holes into mine. Her expression has completely changed since I agreed to go with her. “Or should I wait? I don’t know what to do here.” Her voice trails off, as she makes it clear that she isn’t the one to figure out her own escape. “You should go now. The club is already pissed at me for taking the shift off.” “Why did you do that?” “It’s not important right now. What I need for you to do is to go home for a little bit. Act normal. Tell your mother you love her, and then meet me at our spot in your car. We’ll ditch it a little up the highway and then take off on the bike when the coast is clear.” “Anton, I can’t go back to that house. They’ll know something is up. I know my father. By now, he’s counted the money and realized it’s gone, and he’ll be coming after my mother or me. Probably my mother.
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