If she wasn't on the bridge, she was at the CP established in the pod of containers just outside the midships radial 90 hatch. Majors Murphy and Erwin rode the Patton. Tran was with Stan on the Junior. Command relationships were cordial, if somewhat cool. Izzy's chief of staff, Major Urimi, had designed an operations order with gaping holes in it. "We'll fill these in as we go along. If not, maybe we don't go." He smiled encouragement to both Izzy and the majors. Urimi did a great balancing act.Tru Seyd took time away from planning her assault on the station's data stream to develop and test a network between all the brigades' officers and troopers. As soon as Izzy knew something, it would be passed to everyone. First tests were a disaster. Every squad leader did not need to know everything Izzy knew. Urimi, the brigade commanders, and Tru worked out a decision tree for the network to keep it from bogging down at every turn.Now that Riddle was in sight, the intelligence crew was hard at it.