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Aaron Galvin books

Aaron Galvin
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Read Books by Aaron Galvin


Salems Vengeance

Even then, the beast makes as though he means to run again. I look on into the lingering blackness. Fear cautions me to continue on as Priest bid. Alone now, I pull the tiny hairs of the stallion’s mane. “Back! We must go back!” It only whinnies in response. I hear hooves approach. I loose the ma...

Salems Vengeance by Aaron Galvin

Salem's Fury (Vengeance Trilogy Book 2)

She meets them with her own, knocking mine astray or else dodging them.     The few cuts I connect with and the pain escaping her lips fuel me, as do the few blows she gifts me back. Each of them fills me with rage.     “I told you to kill me when you had t...

Salem's Fury (Vengeance Trilogy Book 2) by Aaron Galvin

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