Giselle knew her words were slurring. LeVan smiled and pointed at her horse. “Show me.” He ordered. She didn't want to turn away from him, she was sure that he would shoot her as soon as she did but there was nothing she could do. She had been so focused on staying upright in the saddle, then dis...
Lucien said as he handed Toby the reins. He shrugged and laughed. “You do seem to have luck with wilder mares.” He teased as he stepped back. Lucien smiled as he set his boot in the stirrup. The horse tried to rear but he grabbed the bridle and crooned. “Easy, ...
He was impressed. It was large but not garishly so. It was classically beautiful with a gentle charm. The grounds were a dominant feature. There was a minimal courtyard and large gardens enveloped the north side of the estate. An ornamental waterfall at the far end of the garden fed a small strea...