Set in a splendid country house in England, this rich and absorbing novel begins as Leonora, daughter of a famous Edwardian painter, is about to throw herself a huge house party to celebrate her 75th birthday. Guests will include her two grown daughters and their spouses (and lovers), a film crew...
Hester's Story is a charming tale, simply told. The story follows young Estelle through her life as a young girl in France and then on to her new life in England as an almost-orphan living with relatives, and her career as a ballerina.Simple as it is, it would give away a great deal to say any mo...
Annie's seven-year-old sister Weezer begins taking ballet lessons, and Annie watches as she becomes a "proper ballerina".
Zannah and Adrian are planning to marry in May, the loveliest time of year. Zannah has always wanted a beautiful, traditional wedding and feels she missed out the first time around when she married Cal, father of her daughter Isis. Now two families are to meet for the first time. Will the slightl...
Members of the Barrington family are shocked at the arbitrary and vindictive nature of their wealthy matriarch's will. While the palatial home goes to her prodigal step-grandson, hardworking Louise receives onlt the copyright to her grandfather's musty novels--long out of print and never popular....
They lived in a palace on the shores of a lake, and they loved one another greatly. Their mother died on the very day her daughter was born, and the King and his sons mourned her for a long time. Later, when Cora grew up, laughter returned to the palace, and the days were as like one another as b...
Please. I can’t face anyone just now. I don’t feel like seeing anyone.’ ‘But I’ve got some of your things from the office, Megan. Please, open the door. Come on, please.’ ‘I don’t feel well. I don’t want to see you, okay?’ ‘I’m afraid not. Decidedly not. I must see you.’ ‘Leave the stuff outside....