Cabin fever set in two hours later. For seventy-two more hours, Jill enforced a no talk, no stress, no ill effects moratorium Tripp called torture. He hated every minute of it. Being confined to a sling left Tripp limited to computer work, but at le...
She pushed up, recognizing the space as Tony’s and the giggles downstairs as Max’s.A head shake brought with it no understanding of how she’d arrived in bed, or why she still wore the same clothes from the day before.“Cael?”Lily slipped from the bed, making her way through the hallway.Down the st...
He realized, before he said anything, that he meant those words for whatever sizzled but fizzled between the two of them. Secrets kept her family safe but put him on the outside fringe.“I can’t help you if I don’t have more detail,” he said.Her head popped up, her eyes glossy with emotion he coul...
For a moment, disorientation plagued her as it had every other time she thought she’d woken. A shiver tore through her—one that registered in her limbs to the point her fingers jiggled. She’d watched herself die three times, each in more detail than the last, and she didn’t want to do it again.Pl...