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Aldous Huxley books

Aldous Huxley
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Read Books by Aldous Huxley


Brave New World (1998)

Brave New World: Be careful what you wish for(Also posted at Fantasy Literature)We all know Brave New World (1932) as a classic dystopian tale of a world bereft of conflict, pain, hardship, but also lacking individuality, free will, and intellectual thought. You were probably forced to read it in...

Brave New World (1998) by Aldous Huxley

After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (1993)

A Hollywood millionaire with a terror of death, whose personal physician happens to be working on a theory of longevity-these are the elements of Aldous Huxley's caustic and entertaining satire on man's desire to live indefinitely. With his customary wit and intellectual sophistication, Huxley pu...

After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (1993) by Aldous Huxley

Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited (2005)

The astonishing novel Brave New World, originally published in 1932, presents Aldous Huxley's vision of the future--of a world utterly transformed. Through the most efficient scientific and psychological engineering, people are genetically designed to be passive and therefore consistently useful ...

Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited (2005) by Aldous Huxley

The Genius And The Goddess (1955)

Thirty years ago, ecstasy and torment took hold of John Rivers, shocking him out of "half-baked imbecility into something more nearly resembling the human form." He had an affair with the wife of his mentor, Henry Maartens--a pathbreaking physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize, and a figure of blin...

The Genius And The Goddess (1955) by Aldous Huxley

The Devils of Loudun (2005)

In 1634 Urbain Grandier, a handsome and dissolute priest of the parish of Loudun was tried, tortured and burnt at the stake. He had been found guilty of conspiring with the devil to seduce an entire convent of nuns in what was the most sensational case of mass possession and sexual hysteria in hi...

The Devils of Loudun (2005) by Aldous Huxley

Un mundo feliz (2005)

Un mundo feliz es un clásico de la literatura de este siglo. Con ironía mordiente, el genial autor inglés plasma una sombría metáfora sobre el futuro, muchas de cuyas previsiones se han materializado, acelerada e inquietantemente, en los últimos años. La novela describe un mundo en el que finalme...

Un mundo feliz (2005) by Aldous Huxley

Eyeless in Gaza (2004)

Written at the height of his powers immediately after Brave New World, Aldous Huxley's highly acclaimed Eyeless in Gaza is his most personal novel. Huxley's bold, nontraditional narrative tells the loosely autobiographical story of Anthony Beavis, a cynical libertine Oxford graduate who comes of ...

Eyeless in Gaza (2004) by Aldous Huxley

Point Counter Point (1996)

Aldous Huxley's lifelong concern with the dichotomy between passion and reason finds its fullest expression both thematically and formally in his masterpiece Point Counter Point. By presenting a vision of life in which diverse aspects of experience are observed simultaneously, Huxley characterize...

Point Counter Point (1996) by Aldous Huxley

Antic Hay (2005)

My men, like satyrs grazing on the lawns,Shall with their goat-feet dance the antic hayEdward II by Christopher Marlowe This is Brenda Salkeld dancing the antic hay. Orwell had recommended Antic Hay to her in the 1930s, but alas she wouldn't dance with him.Huxley wanted to dance with Nancy Cun...

Antic Hay (2005) by Aldous Huxley

After the Fireworks (2016)

After the Fireworks * An aria in three-part form comprising a theme, a secondary contrasting part, and a repetition of the first part.

After the Fireworks (2016) by Aldous Huxley

Island (1962)

Robert returned from his early-morning visit to the hospital, was drinking his second cup of Palanese tea and eating toasted breadfruit with pumelo marmalade. “Not too much pain in the night,” was Dr. Robert’s response to his enquiries. “Lakshmi had four or five hours of good sleep, and this morn...

Island (1962) by Aldous Huxley

Crome Yellow (2011)

There was just a hint in that triumphant harmony that the seventh had been struck along with the octave by the thumb of the left hand; but the general effect of splendid noise emerged clearly enough. Small details matter little so long as the general effect is good. And, besides, that hint of the...

Crome Yellow (2011) by Aldous Huxley

Brave New World Revisited

In one set of bottles biologically superior ova, fertilized by biologically superior sperm, were given the best possible prenatal treatment and were finally decanted as Betas, Alphas and even Alpha Pluses. In another, much more numerous set of bottles, biologically inferior ova, fertilized by bio...

Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley

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