Alicia Erian's 'The Brutal Language of Love' is engaging and entertaining, but not always enjoyable. There were some stories which I found particularly powerful, and I suspect the standouts would differ wildly person to person, depending on their life experiences.This is a book of short stories a...
I laughed out loud several times during this book, but maybe it was more of a nervous chuckle. I don't really consider myself a prude, but this was one of the more sexually explicit books I've read in awhile dealing with the "eww" factor of an adult and a young, young girl, so while I was readin...
Silently they competed, in an attempt to drink each other under a table they didn’t share. “You won,” he told her later, on his way back from the toilet. He said his name was Carl and apologized immediately for being so fat. She told him it wasn’t that bad, and really it wasn’t. He expressed surp...