The surrealistic adventures of protagonist Jeremy Acidophilis, a fact checker with a kind of Asperger's way of perceiving the world, feels like a twisted sex dream—the kind of dream where you know you're all the people: a child who is not remotely childlike but behaves and sounds like an oversexe...
I received a free copy of this novel through Goodreads giveawaysThis book is hilarious, absurd, and surreal. I snorted, rolled my eyes, laughed out loud, groaned, and I absolutely did not want to put it down; in fact, I barely did, except to sleep. I also never once predicted what would happen ne...
I’m tired. I go to the other room, which is not only my bedroom but my office. There’s a desk in the middle of this large room and a couch in a corner. The bed is simply a mattress on the floor because it satisfies my bohemian taste. I’ve lined the room with floor-to-ceiling storage space. I have...