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Anastasia Hopcus books

Anastasia Hopcus
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.73

Read Books by Anastasia Hopcus


Nawiedzone miasteczko Shadow Hills (2011)

Review:Broadly speaking this is your typical YA: girl goes to new town-finds friends-meets hot guy with unexplainable abilities-encounters heaps of the supernatural-solves the mystery of the town-etc. It would be quite a text book example of this common plot line, if it weren’t for the twist in w...

Nawiedzone miasteczko Shadow Hills (2011) by Anastasia Hopcus

Shadow Hills

I hadn’t counted on their being labeled in some code that only Graham understood. It seemed like I had been trying different keys for at least ten minutes, and I wasn’t even halfway through them. I glanced around, making sure nobody happened to be strolling along the path next to me. Finally, the...

Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus

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