Asi se neubráním srovnání s knihou Erebos, kterou jsem četla nedávno, a kerá je na velmi podobné téma. Game mi ale přišla mnohem více propracovaná a ačkoli je děj trochu vyhrocený, dává mi ve finále mnohem větší smysl, než právě Erebos, což bylo spíš čtení pro mládež. U Game mi trochu vadil styl ...
This is a sequel to Game, and another book that I impulsively snatched from netgalley. While the first one wasn't bad, this one had more issues. But first, the positives!HP was a lot less of a little shit. Still a douche, but slightly better and I even rooted for him a little bit, especially afte...
Powdery sand flew up over the windows and for a moment the inside of the car was almost completely dark. Then the 4x4 swung in the other direction, the sand was shaken off and the view cleared. The manoeuvre made all the passengers except HP burst out in rollercoaster whoops. Twenty minutes of du...
A huge room with loads of workstations in front of a fucking great screen. Kind of “Ground control to Major Tom . . . Houston, we have a problem . . .” Something like that. Okay, so his earlier surveillance hadn’t exactly backed up that theory, but this? A little windowless room with one single ...
Apparently I’ve got a safe-deposit box here?” She held out the letter and her driver’s license to the man behind the counter. She was in a small reception area behind an anonymous door right next to Sergel’s Square in the center of the city. She must have walked past it a thousand times without e...
“Good evening, my friend. Has everything gone well?” “Everything has gone excellently, entirely according to plan—but of course you already know that.” “Any pain?” “No more than necessary.” “Good, and the retreat?” “No problems there either. How have things been going with . . . “The Player? It’s...
The bowlegged little man, whose name was Bakshi, cleared some of the magazines and cat toys from the big leather sofa and gestured to Atif to sit down. But instead of doing as he was told, Atif went over to one of the overblown armchairs and lifted it slightly to get rid of the scrawny, hairless ...