The sun had barely risen, and already there was a large amount of activity in Onay. Soldiers now filled the walkways atop the perimeter wall, awaiting the Zulani to make their move. The enemy camps showed signs of movement, but nothing yet to suggest an attack was imminent. It appeared the Zu...
In Bosaria, its new leader was surveying his intake of magicians. He had already had them dressed in his new uniforms, especially created for them. Each was given a dark blue robe, now he needed to judge each of their powers, to delegate the colour belt he would give them. Gorius had de...
It was late afternoon before Rylan was ready to leave, and although the reason for him travelling was a truly heartbreaking one, he did feel a touch of excitement. Learning that his son had magical abilities had been a shock, being told he was to be whisked hundreds of miles away by their v...