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Andro Linklater books

Andro Linklater
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Read Books by Andro Linklater


An Artist in Treason: The Extraordinary Double Life of General James Wilkinson

Three critically important items were on the agenda—the Spanish threat east of the Sabine River, the nature of Aaron Burr’s movements, and the loyalty of General James Wilkinson. The first two matters were quickly dealt with— they agreed that troops should be moved to the most southwesterly city ...

An Artist in Treason: The Extraordinary Double Life of General James Wilkinson by Andro Linklater

The Fabric of America (2007)

What shall we now take in order to secure the Philippines?…We shall need to take China, Japan, and the East Indies, according to the doctrine, in order to ‘secure’ what we have. Of course this means that, on the doctrine, we must take the whole earth in order to be safe on any part of it. WILLIAM...

The Fabric of America (2007) by Andro Linklater

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