Demonic - how the liberal mob is endangering Americaby Ann Coultera short "book report" by Ron Housley______________________________________I read Ann Coulter’s new book this weekend (6.19.2011): Demonic. Over the years I have read a fair amount about the French Revolution, including its depictio...
Американската политика и обществен живот са в огромна степен повлияни от наследството на робовладелската институция, която просъществува там най-дълго от целия цивилизован свят. И днес американското обшество и политика не само не са загърбили противопоставянето на тема раса, но дори го задълбочав...
THE SLANDER REVIEWS.Review the first: An Appeal to Those Who Take Her SeriouslyThis first review is specifically for those who take Ann Coulter’s ideas seriously. If you do, I really hope you’ll read this review and seriously think about the arguments I’m making. Here’s a quote from the first p...
In this New York Times bestseller, Coulter mercilessly pillories Clinton and examines the abuses and excesses of Bill Clinton point by point. She also shreds every conceivable defense the Clintons to bits as she probes the major Clinton scandals, including Monica, Filegate, the China connection, ...
Any fact that makes Americans less likely to vote for a Democrat is now called a racist smear. The mythos of Republican dirty campaigning is entirely liberal projection. The real secret of modern political campaigns isn’t Republicans’ sneaky appeals to racial resentment, it’s liberals’ Miss Grund...
AND THEIR ASSAULT ON AMERICA 3RAGE AGAINST OUR MACHINE After global warming, the Republican Attack Machine is the imaginary phenomenon that scares liberals the most. The mainstream media are always bristling with warnings about Republican smear campaigns, with reporters fretting about “what the R...
It has become fashionable to equate the two revolutions, but they share absolutely nothing beyond the word “revolution.” The American Revolution was a movement based on ideas, painstakingly argued by serious men in the process of creating what would become the freest, most prosperous nation in wo...