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Ann Lethbridge books

Ann Lethbridge
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Read Books by Ann Lethbridge


Wicked Rake, Defiant Mistress (2009)

Another disappointing freebie.Not really bad, not poorly written but not really good either.Both characterization and timelines seemed off to me. Let's start with the characterization. The hero is supposedly a rake. However he's just 24, sometimes behaves as if he just turned 18 and his main achi...

Wicked Rake, Defiant Mistress (2009) by Ann Lethbridge

Deliciously Debauched by the Rake

Broom, her footman, said. The beefy young man had been presenting her with calling cards since the moment intermission started. For all Elizabeth knew there was a line outside her box of eager gentlemen, young and old. Some of the names she recognized. Some she did not. “Who on earth sent flowers...

Deliciously Debauched by the Rake by Ann Lethbridge

The Gamekeeper's Lady (2013)

He gave her a small smile. ‘I thought I better warn you, Lord Wynchwood is asking for you. He is in his study.’ Frederica winced. ‘Thank you, S-Snively. What is his current m-mood?’ Snively’s muddy eyes twinkled, but there was sadness in them too. ‘He’s seems a little irritated, miss. Not his nor...

The Gamekeeper's Lady (2013) by Ann Lethbridge

More Than a Lover

Something he’d been doing at irregular intervals throughout all the nights he’d been here. Ned looked after most things around the property during the day, leaving Blade free in the afternoons to roam the local inns with an eye to picking up any gossip that might be of interest to Tonbridge, such...

More Than a Lover by Ann Lethbridge

Lady Rosabella's Ruse

Tried not to think about long slender limbs, a curvaceous body and the delicate arches of her feet.     His body hardened. He brought it back under control. This wasn’t about attraction, or lust. It was about regaining control of the situation.     The fabl...

Lady Rosabella's Ruse by Ann Lethbridge

In Bed with the Highlander

Chilly fingers walked down her back. Because it looked identical to something she’d seen as a child. Something creepy wobbling on the surface of a bowl of water held by Granny “the auld witch” McLellan as her mother had called her great grandma. Destiny put out in plain sight, the old girl had br...

In Bed with the Highlander by Ann Lethbridge

Return of the Prodigal Gilvry

The anger inside Rowena MacDonald increased with each oar stroke of the longboat crossing the grey waves between the ship and the quay where she stood. She wrapped her threadbare cloak tighter against the November wind screaming in from the North Sea.     The dark afternoon su...

Return of the Prodigal Gilvry by Ann Lethbridge

More Than a Mistress

One thing was obvious—while costs were rising at the mill, income was falling. Clearly, she would have to deal with the other mill owners’ enmity quickly or face ruin.Merry raised her gaze from the rows of numbers and stared out of the window. No blue skies today. The moor looked particularly ble...

More Than a Mistress by Ann Lethbridge

The Rake's Inherited Courtesan

Glowing from her sponge bath, Sylvia wandered around the Sea Witch’s well-appointed stateroom. So well appointed she’d found a nightgown to fit her in the sea chest, and, best of all, a sailor had brought jugs of hot water for bathing. Over Jeannie’s protests that she ought to help, Sylvia had se...

The Rake's Inherited Courtesan by Ann Lethbridge

The Laird's Forbidden Lady

‘Thomas, are you still here? Did Father not ask you to move the cow to the other pasture?’The boy shoved his whittling in his pocket and left without a word.‘He’s such a dreamer,’ Marie Flora said. She put the bucket between them and went to a bin in the corner where she gathered an apron full of...

The Laird's Forbidden Lady by Ann Lethbridge

The Laird and the Wanton Widow (2010)

“Our last ball. It is so unfair. Do I have to dance with him?” Everyone in the carriage knew she meant Godridge. “Of course, you do,” Diana said. “Lord Godridge is here at your father’s request,” Kate said softly from her backward-facing seat. “You can’t hold it against him.” Lizzie pouted. “Well...

The Laird and the Wanton Widow (2010) by Ann Lethbridge

Lady of Shame

‘This is no place for a lady. Let me go in and bring him down to you. You can meet in the carriage.’ As sorry as she felt for putting Giles in this uncomfortable position she was not going to let him change her mind. ‘Your presence will make things difficult. He will feel constrained. Perhaps eve...

Lady of Shame by Ann Lethbridge

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