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Anne McAllister books

Anne McAllister
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Read Books by Anne McAllister


Starstruck (Men Made In America 2 Series, #49) (1994)

Wisconsin How Could She Resist a Man Who Ate His Peas? Any man who attempted to turn an interview into a seduction, then had the nerve to invite himself to dinner, deserved exactly what he got. Liv James couldn't help feeling that actor Joe Harrington, America's heartthrob, deserved a good dose...

Starstruck (Men Made In America 2 Series, #49) (1994) by Anne McAllister

In McGillivray's Bed: The McGillivrays of Pelican Cay (2004)

Hugh McGillivray is stunned when he fishes a sexy woman out of the ocean. But even Pelican Cay's most determined playboy is tempted by beautiful Sydney St. John.... Sydney needs to escape her deeply unattractive business partner, who's demanding that she marry him. What if she agrees to Hugh's so...

In McGillivray's Bed: The McGillivrays of Pelican Cay (2004) by Anne McAllister

The Inconvenient Bride (2001)

Dominic Wolfeone of the sharpest young tycoons in New York Cityshould have known that one night of great sex was no basis for a marriage. But it wasn't his head Dominic was thinking with when he asked Sierra to be his convenient wife!Sierra wasn't thinking with her head either, but with her heart...

The Inconvenient Bride (2001) by Anne McAllister

The Night that Changed Everything (2011)

It was a city beach not far from the marina, a picture postcard sort of place with light surf, white sand and blue skies in one direction, and the Spanish architecture and red tile roofs of the city and hills of Santa Barbara in the other. She chose it because it was a place where she had good me...

The Night that Changed Everything (2011) by Anne McAllister

Last Year's Bride (Montana Born Brides)

He had figured he had time to get the feed loaded and be out of there before Nell and her crew showed up. But there were already four crew cab trucks pulled up near the house, one of them the truck Nell had driven back to the hotel the night before.     Was she here then? Ther...

Last Year's Bride (Montana Born Brides) by Anne McAllister

Hired by Her Husband

The only surprise as far as Sophy was concerned, was that he hadn’t got one already. But even accepting the fact, Sophy felt her knees wobble as she walked away from George’s room. She moved automatically, going to fetch her duffel, which one of the nurses had allowed her to leave in a storage ar...

Hired by Her Husband by Anne McAllister

In McGillivray's Bed (2004)

Hugh could sense it the minute he got out of the Jeep behind the house. But in the dusk everything looked the same. And yet… He shrugged and gave his head a quick shake. Sometimes he felt a brief disorientation on solid ground after a flight. Maybe that was it. That and having had less than three...

In McGillivray's Bed (2004) by Anne McAllister

Breaking the Greek's Rules

Couldn’t think. Could only stare. And understand the implication. It hit him like a fist to the gut. He moved on automatic pilot, putting himself between Daisy and the door. And all the while, he couldn’t take his eyes off the child. The boy was Vass all over again. Alex’s heart squeezed in his c...

Breaking the Greek's Rules by Anne McAllister

The Virgin's Proposition

She didn’t really expect she would. But as she went about her business, as she walked to the clinic, did her grocery shopping, worked on her dissertation, and actually went to a screening or two at the Palais du Festival over the next ten days, she couldn’t help keeping an eye out to see if she c...

The Virgin's Proposition by Anne McAllister

Nathan's Child (2003)

It was hot and humid and, according to Trina, the weather girl on the island’s on-again, off-again radio station, there was only the faintest hope that a late-afternoon storm would blow in and clear the air. Carin was grateful for the ancient air conditioner rattling in the window of her small ar...

Nathan's Child (2003) by Anne McAllister


he said. They were sitting in her VW bus overlooking Lake Mendota because, having gone out for supper and been mobbed by autograph seekers, having gone to the movies and been mobbed, and having stayed away from home where, if there wasn’t a mob there was the nearest thing to one, Joe had given up...

Starstruck by Anne McAllister

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