the speed of light (la velocidad de la luz), javier cercas's 2005 novel, is an ambitious work that confronts a number of significant themes, including success, friendship, memory, forgiveness, and the legacy of the vietnam war. spanning some seventeen years in the life of its semi-autobiographic...
In the final moments of the Spanish Civil War, a writer and founding member of Franco's Fascist Party is about to be shot, and yet miraculously escapes into the forest. When his hiding place is discovered, he faces death for the second time that day-but is spared, this time by a lone Republican s...
The Tango Singer is a wonderfully resonant tour of Buenos Aires, its labyrinthine streets and twin histories: the political and the literary. Our narrator is Bruno Cadogan, a PhD student who travels to the city to research his thesis - a study of Jorge Luis Borges' essays on the origins of the ta...
Speaking of pantheons, , the most ironic phrase I know—perhaps the ironic phrase par excellence--is the epitaph Marcel Duchamp wrote for his own tombstone:D’ailleurs, c’est toujours les autres qui meurent.(After all, it’s always other people who die.) Aaaahhh. What a delight both in itself and a...