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Ava Ashley books

Ava Ashley
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Read Books by Ava Ashley


Alpha Fighter

It's a fight day so I need to focus, and dredging up subconscious shit isn't going to help me do that. Besides, Vlad knows I'm not some punk and know how to channel my energy towards a singular goal. From my time as a SEAL, I have an unusual ability to hyper-focus and zone in on my target.  Tonig...

Alpha Fighter by Ava Ashley

Last Chance To Fight

She stood up to kiss me sweetly on the cheek, and then got into the car.     “How are you feeling today?” I asked her.     “I’m good,” she told me. “I had a good day at work. What about you?”     “I’m good too,” I said, taking her hand i...

Last Chance To Fight by Ava Ashley

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