Narrated by Ada, this story takes place in South Africa between 1930 and ends post-apartheid. Cathleen leaves Ireland to marry Edward, in an arranged marriage. It is an isolated life in the Karoo desert, and her maid and maid's daughter become her companions. Cathleen perspective is told via A...
This is the story of the relationship between "Ada", the Black African housemaid, and her employer, Catherine, the Irish madame of the house. The setting is the beginning of the apartheid era in South Africa. Many people are comparing this book to THE HELP, however, I strongly disagree. This stor...
This book serves up a good helping of life before the apartheid in Africa. It follows a young black woman through her life. It made me laugh, cry, shiver with fear and frown with disgust. I could feel sadness for Ada, the main character in the book and at the same time happiness for her little vi...