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Barry Letts books

Barry Letts
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Read Books by Barry Letts


The Ghosts of N-Space (1995)

‘When the barrier gives way, this planet will be flooded by all the evil in N-Space; and at the moment I have no idea how to stop it.’The Brigadier’s ancient great-uncle Mario seems unsurprised by the spectres which haunt his even more ancient Sicilian castle. But when the Doctor comes to investi...

The Ghosts of N-Space (1995) by Barry Letts

Island of Death

She smiled. ‘How could I resist, Doctor? It reminded me at once of our delicious arguments in Oxford. Do you think I shall end up thumping the table this time?’ ‘One or two emphatic taps, perhaps, or would even that be beneath the dignity of an emeritus professor? Not to mention a Dame of the Bri...

Island of Death by Barry Letts

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