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Barry Sadler books

Barry Sadler
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Read Books by Barry Sadler


Panzer Soldier (2002)

If you're not familiar with the series, it follows Casca, the legionnaire who killed Christ as he was dying on the cross. Christ cursed Casca to be as he was until they met again. Sadler wrote a couple of dozen books with Casca fighting as a soldier, usually some sort of grunt, in different tim...

Panzer Soldier (2002) by Barry Sadler

Desert Mercenary (1987)

The war never ends for Casca, Eternal Mercenary. In a mountain fortress high above the Algerian sands, the son of a wealthy munitions dealer is held hostage. And it's Casca's job to get him out. But even Casca's "dirty dozen" mercenaries might not be able to overcome 200 of the toughest men the d...

Desert Mercenary (1987) by Barry Sadler

The Persian (1982)

Inducted into Shapur II's royal forces as a commander, Casca enters the volatile lands of the Persian Empire to battle the military force of the equestrian Huns. However, other powers are teaming to plot Casca's demise; Rasheed, trusted advisor to the king, seeks a death sentence for Casca. Thoug...

The Persian (1982) by Barry Sadler

The Eternal Mercenary (1987)

Ah, Casca. I actually read this when I was really young; around the time it came out, so 6, 7 years old. It was alongside my Conans and Destroyers. I've mentioned before my mom didn't like me reading children's books, but I haven't read any of these since then. Thought I'd see how they read to my...

The Eternal Mercenary (1987) by Barry Sadler

God of Death (1988)

Continuing the satisfyingly brutal series of stories, in which Casca Longinus encounters near death experiences around the world, century after century, after being comdemned to eternal life "as a soldier" until Christ's return on Judgement Day.In this story, Casca sails to the new world abord a ...

God of Death (1988) by Barry Sadler

The Phoenix (1987)

With Viet Cong Commander Ho van Tuyen using his invincible Ke sat Nhan assassins to terrorize the American troops, Casca--condemned to outlive the ages, wandering the globe as an eternal soldier--becomes a target. Reissue.

The Phoenix (1987) by Barry Sadler

The Conquistador (1987)

Sixteenth-century Mexico...where enemies of Aztec King Moctezuma are sacrificed to his bloodthirsty gods by the thousands. Among the soldiers of Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes, Casca (alias Carlos Romano) returns to the savage land to seek revenge on the priests who once ripped the very heart...

The Conquistador (1987) by Barry Sadler

The Cursed (1987)

To avoid death by hanging in colonial China, turn-of-the-century British soldier Casca must penetrate the heart of the country and bring back word of an impending revolution. Reissue.

The Cursed (1987) by Barry Sadler

The Trench Soldier (1989)

Doomed to wander the earth eternally as a soldier, Casca Longinus finds himself in the midst of World War I, fighting in the world's first modern war and envying those who are dying in droves all around him. Reissue.

The Trench Soldier (1989) by Barry Sadler

Casca 7: The Damned

He was only permitted to give advice when asked for it and, of late, anytime he didn't agree with what Attila already had in mind, he was quickly shut up.     Things were not going as he had planned since they had left Gaul. True, they had rebuilt their armies from the nearly ...

Casca 7: The Damned by Barry Sadler

Casca 14: The Phoenix

He would be brought to them in a couple of days. Right now the arrangements were being made for a chopper pickup. As for his Vietnamese friend, even though he applied all the pressure he could, Van was not available. He was on an operation and couldn't be released at this time. However LLDB Headq...

Casca 14: The Phoenix by Barry Sadler

Casca 22: The Mongol

After all, their old one was dead, and so were his sons. And as Temujin had said, "All dogs want a strong master." He wanted to move on the homelands of the Kereit immediately but it was not yet time. As of this moment, most of his warriors were Kereits. He needed to bind them to him, and there w...

Casca 22: The Mongol by Barry Sadler

Casca 21: The Trench Soldier

station. He was airborne shortly after dawn with Captain Bryce-Roberts. They were greeted with fusillades of rifle fire as they crossed over the German trenches toward the enemy's artillery emplacements.     "Blighters seem determined to get us," the captain said. "Dump some o...

Casca 21: The Trench Soldier by Barry Sadler

Casca 18: The Cursed

His main concern was to stay well out of sight, which he did by crouching behind the bed, while through the space beneath the curtain he stared at the elaborately studded boots which were all he could see of the man who stood in the outer room talking roughly to the Ju family.    &...

Casca 18: The Cursed by Barry Sadler

Casca 2: God of Death

A leash of the same was around her throat, cutting off her breath every time she stumbled or faltered. Totzin jerked and cursed as he dragged her along, relentlessly trying to reach the hidden sanctuary in the distant mountains, the sanctuary only he knew of. There he would be safe and gather to ...

Casca 2: God of Death by Barry Sadler

Casca 16: Desert Mercenary

He sat cross legged on cushions of woven camel hair, sipping coffee with seeds of cardomon added for spice. Pungent, aromatic, the thick brew soothed his thoughts.     Things were going well. He had received a communication from his agent: St. Johns was ready to comply with hi...

Casca 16: Desert Mercenary by Barry Sadler

Casca 15: The Pirate

" McAdams barked.     Casca did as he was bade, letting the Main Gauche fall from his fingers along with the wine glass.     "You didn't think you could get away with making a fool of me, did you?" McAdams asked curtly.     Casca said no...

Casca 15: The Pirate by Barry Sadler

Casca 17: The Warrior

There, together with nine other beauties, she was being garlanded, robed in a gown made of cloth from the tapa tree, and perfumed in readiness for a ceremony—the launching of a new canoe.     She was delighted to see him, and with signs and gestures introduced him to her mothe...

Casca 17: The Warrior by Barry Sadler

Casca 1: The Eternal Mercenary

His fame gathered fans and admirers. He was becoming one of the great gladiators.     The rules of the arena were simple. You followed orders. If you were fighting someone from an opposing school you had the option once he was defeated of taking his life or sparing him. Only w...

Casca 1: The Eternal Mercenary by Barry Sadler

Casca 20: Soldier of Gideon

Billy Glennon belched contentedly and spoke in wondering tones as he fondled his rifle. "I've sure headed for a few fronts worse prepared than this." "Most of 'em," Casca agreed, his mind skimming over some of the campaigns he had suffered through. This was the best organized army of the hundreds...

Casca 20: Soldier of Gideon by Barry Sadler

Casca 9: The Sentinel

Why should she be? Hadn't everything turned out as she had always known it would? Her sleeping warrior had come down from the mountain and freed her people. There had never been any doubt of it in her mind. Why should she be surprised at what was only natural?     Casca was ti...

Casca 9: The Sentinel by Barry Sadler

Casca 12: The African Mercenary

Van had been of great value to him on more than one occasion because of the man's family connections on Taiwan. Members of his once very large family had been in nearly every branch of the overthrown South Vietnamese government, and through them Van had many contacts with friendly interests on Ta...

Casca 12: The African Mercenary by Barry Sadler

Casca 3: The Warlord

Casca wore a cloak of wild goatskin and breeches of camel skins made pliable by the chewing of the hides and scraping and pounding of the women of the Yueh-chih.     The wind was blowing from behind, in from the plains, soon the direction would change and the wind would come f...

Casca 3: The Warlord by Barry Sadler

Casca 11: The Legionnaire

Accidentally, his hand knocked over an ashtray. As he bent over to retrieve it his leg gave a spasm of pain. Once more, he cursed the day he had met the Legionnaire. The doctors had said he would have a limp for the rest of his life. Philosophically, he tried to look on the wound as one more piec...

Casca 11: The Legionnaire by Barry Sadler

Casca 4: Panzer Soldier

Gus handed them to Yuri, who stuck them into the holding racks. Langer was as strong as anyone he had ever seen for his size. He never seemed to suffer from the almost chronic conditions of diarrhea which hounded most armies in the field. Bad water, bad food, bad schnapps, nothing seemed to upset...

Casca 4: Panzer Soldier by Barry Sadler

Casca 13: The Assassin

Distant laughter.     The smell of perfume... women's perfume. Damn! I've died and gone to Paradise. Casca opened his eyes.     Bright lights. Beautifully carved walls. Well, damn. The Muslims had it right after all. Somehow he had died and gone to Paradise...

Casca 13: The Assassin by Barry Sadler

Casca 19: The Samurai

It was obvious from the opening moves that Sakai was seriously outmatched and Muramasa was toying with him. What he had seen Muramasa do in the past was nothing compared to the lesson he was giving the samurai lord. Muramasa began to surgically dismantle Sakai, cutting his expensive robes into ri...

Casca 19: The Samurai by Barry Sadler

Casca 10: The Conquistador

Ignoring the Eagle knights of the king's escort, he spoke softly so that only Moctezuma could hear him. "We must meet tomorrow at my temple in the city. I shall be waiting for you at midday. Order the priests there to leave the temple and not return until you command it." When the king left, the ...

Casca 10: The Conquistador by Barry Sadler

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