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Barton, Sara M. books

Barton, Sara M.
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Read Books by Barton, Sara M.


No Hiding Behind the Potted Palms! A Dance with Danger Mystery #7

A Dance with Danger Mystery #7 @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Chapter Three --   “Maybe I could eat a little something,” I agreed. I leaned on Robert’s arm as the train jiggled over a bumpy stretch of tracks. “Can I ask you something?” “Sure.” “Have many people been ...

No Hiding Behind the Potted Palms! A Dance with Danger Mystery #7 by Barton, Sara M.

Where's Hansel and Gretel's Gingerbread House?: A Gabby Grimm Fairy Tale Mystery #2

It was bad enough that Sam would be away for the holiday. Now it looked like I might not get his gift in time. Sam knew the marzipan Christmas pig was a traditional German custom, one I had loved since childhood. He also knew those pralines are one of my weaknesses. Well, at least I wouldn’t have...

Where's Hansel and Gretel's Gingerbread House?: A Gabby Grimm Fairy Tale Mystery #2 by Barton, Sara M.

Miz Scarlet and the Holiday Houseguests (A Scarlet Wilson Mystery #3)

From her conversation, I gathered that the last few years of her mother’s decline had taken a toll on the holidays. “It must have been rather lonely for you and your mom,” I commented, as I put some dinner rolls into the oven to heat. “It was. She couldn’t really raise her arms all that well, bec...

Miz Scarlet and the Holiday Houseguests (A Scarlet Wilson Mystery #3) by Barton, Sara M.

Let Slip the Dogs of War: A Bard's Bed & Breakfast Mystery #1

said the voice on the other end of the phone two days later. Mavis was back at Langley. “Which do you want first?” “Is Ben alive?” My heart hovered on the edge of despair as I waited for the answer. She quickly put me out of my misery. “That would be the good news,” Mavis announced. “Alive and we...

Let Slip the Dogs of War: A Bard's Bed & Breakfast Mystery #1 by Barton, Sara M.

What Evil Lurks in Monet's Pond: A

Are you talking about that dork you set me up with on a blind date fifteen years ago?” “He told me....” “That I rejected his advances?” I took two steps closer and got into my older brother’s face. “The guy actually thought I was going to sleep with him on the first date. Not to mention the fact ...

What Evil Lurks in Monet's Pond: A by Barton, Sara M.

Reluctant Witness

Sitting back on my chaise lounge in our shady corner of the pool area, I opened my copy of Vanilla Orchid Magic and got back to the story. Nora had just boarded the small six-passenger plane. “Put these on,” said an older woman wearing a nurse’s uniform. She handed me a bright pink sundress and a...

Reluctant Witness by Barton, Sara M.

Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom

Must be all the hiking I do, I thought to myself, even as my brain tried to process the sight at the top of the stairs. Lacey, dressed in a practical cotton nightgown, was being restrained by a man wearing a ski mask. A ski mask in summer? “Stay where you are or I’ll toss her over the railing!” c...

Miz Scarlet and the Bewildered Bridegroom by Barton, Sara M.

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