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Beaton, M.C. books

Beaton, M.C.

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Plain Jane

Under all this selfish shunting of the responsibility of home happiness on to the woman’s shoulders, lies a deep justifying truth – it is her business – and the fact that some of nature’s laws, such as gravitation, are at times extremely irritating, does not, however, make them inoperative. ANNA ...

Plain Jane by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage

C. Beaton ROBINSON London   Constable & Robinson Ltd 3 The Lanchesters 162 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9ER First published in the USA 1996 by St Martin’s Press 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 First published in the UK by Robinson, an imprint of Constable & ...

Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin: Hiss and Hers

She could hardly believe how easy it had been to get the job. The landlord, Bob Brackett, was certainly only offering the minimum wage, but the job came with a room above the pub. He had not even asked to see Toni’s references, which she had faked. He was a thickset, surly man with a slattern of ...

Agatha Raisin: Hiss and Hers by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Village

C. BEATON ROBINSON London   Constable & Robinson Ltd 3 The Lanchesters 162 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9ER First published in the USA by Grand Central Publishing, a division of Hachette Book Group USA, Inc.     This edition published by Robinson,...

Death of a Village by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Gossip

C. Beaton ROBINSON London   Constable & Robinson Ltd 3 The Lanchesters 162 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9ER First published in the USA 1985 by St Martin’s Press 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 This edition published by Robinson, an imprint of Constable & Rob...

Death of a Gossip by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Christmas Crumble

Bloxby, the vicar’s wife, sat in the shabby vicarage drawing room in the Cotswold village of Carsely one Saturday in late November, drinking coffee and looking out at a vista of sleety rain driving across the tombstones of the churchyard at the end of the garden. “Are you going away for Christmas...

Agatha Raisin and the Christmas Crumble by Beaton, M.C.

Annabelle (1980)

demanded Captain MacDonald two days later. He had stayed on at Brick Hill to enjoy the roistering after the prize fight, and the first he knew of the end of his engagement was when he saw it staring up at him in black and white from the sheets of his morning paper. “Damme,” he said wrathfully. “C...

Annabelle (1980) by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Dreamer

C. Beaton 2006, 2010 The right of M. C. Beaton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.     All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of ...

Death of a Dreamer by Beaton, M.C.

Taming of Annabelle

Annabelle lay in bed, very still, staring up at the canopy. Her soul felt as white and numb and empty as the day outside. Somewhere at the very edges of her mind she knew that pain and humiliation were waiting to crowd in. But, for the moment, all she wanted to do was lie very still and think of ...

Taming of Annabelle by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Fairies of Fryfam

Or rather, that had been the plan.     She had already rented a cottage in the village of Fryfam in Norfolk. She had rented blind. She knew neither the village nor anywhere else in Norfolk. A fortune-teller had told her that her destiny lay in Norfolk. Her next door neighbour,...

Agatha Raisin and the Fairies of Fryfam by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin Companion

Beaton, 2010 Illustrations by Alice Tate The right of Alison Maloney to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988.     All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that ...

Agatha Raisin Companion by Beaton, M.C.

Miser of Mayfair

F. GEORGE KAY, ROYAL MAIL Mr Sinclair struggled awake next morning. He knew that something really awful had befallen him the day before, and for a while he was content to lie in his bed and stare at the ceiling and keep memory at bay. His mouth felt like a gorilla’s armpit, and his forehead, like...

Miser of Mayfair by Beaton, M.C.

Finessing Clarissa

Thomas Jordan The earl rode out the next day to search for Jason’s father in Kensington. He should really have been paying a call on Chloris Deveney, the only lady he had danced with at the ball, but had sent his servant instead to present his compliments. How awkward it had been dancing with Chl...

Finessing Clarissa by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Scriptwriter

That Youth’s sweet-scented Manuscript should close!     – Edward Fitzgerald Patricia Martyn-Broyd had not written a detective story in years.     In her early seventies she had retired to the Highlands of Sutherland on the east side of the village of Cnotha...

Death of a Scriptwriter by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Kingfisher (2012)

– Sir Walter Scott The long twilight, or gloaming, of a Highland summer’s night when it never really gets dark surrounded Hamish as he sat down on a smooth rock by the pool. Everything was utterly silent, except for the rushing of the waterfall.     He realized he had to have ...

Death of a Kingfisher (2012) by Beaton, M.C.

Deirdre and Desire

She treated Deirdre to a long and severe lecture on the selfishness of allowing the wedding arrangements to proceed as far as they had. Deirdre had deliberately, said Minerva, turned poor Papa into some sort of ogre as an excuse for plunging deeper into the whole mess.     Fee...

Deirdre and Desire by Beaton, M.C.

Perfecting Fiona

Samuel Taylor Coleridge Lord Peter Havard dispatched his servant with his card the following day. He had no intention of ever speaking to Fiona again. Hadn’t he told her so when she had been so insolent to him in the Park? He should have cut her dead in Aubrey’s hall. That physical excitement he ...

Perfecting Fiona by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell

She had grey hair worn curled and shoulder-length, thick glasses, and a face where all the wrinkles seemed to run downwards to a turtle-neck. Agatha surreptitiously felt her own neck and mentally planned to visit her beautician soon.     After introductions and explanations, s...

Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell by Beaton, M.C.

The Desirable Duchess

Almost a year had passed since Alice’s wedding to the duke. They had taken up residence in the duke’s town house, a massive building where she could as easily lose herself from the duke’s sight as she could in the country. One consolation for Alice was that Lucy, recently married to Edward Vere, ...

The Desirable Duchess by Beaton, M.C.

Intrigue (Daughters of Mannerling 2)

MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE Early that evening, Lady Beverley was startled to receive the intelligence that Mr Robert Sommerville had called again. But she had finally heard Jessica’s story of her visit to Mannerling and found nothing to be elated about, although she had kept her own council. For one mom...

Intrigue (Daughters of Mannerling 2) by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Busy Body

‘Which school did you go to?’ asked Toni.     ‘Mircester Grammar.’ ‘I could have gone there myself,’ said Toni, ‘but my mother said she couldn’t afford the uniform.’ ‘A lot of the kids can’t. That’s why they have a secondhand clothes store in the school.’ ‘Well, my mum was hav...

Agatha Raisin and the Busy Body by Beaton, M.C.

Diana the Huntress (2012)

The news that two young men had taken up residence in Lady Wentwater’s mansion gave the vicar slight pause. Perhaps a suitable husband might be found for Diana close by without incurring the horrendous expense of a Season. One of the young men, a Mr Jack Emberton, was reported to be an Adonis alt...

Diana the Huntress (2012) by Beaton, M.C.

Daisy (1980)

It looked gray, cheerless, and forbidding. Daisy put it down to a trick of the weather. They were ushered into a chilly drawing room by a cadaverous butler who informed then that he would ascertain whether Mrs. Bryce-Cuddestone was “at home.” Daisy looked at Freddie in surprise. Surely his mother...

Daisy (1980) by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Vicious Vet

She felt an utter fool as she pushed her load of luggage towards the exit.     She had just spent two weeks in the Bahamas in pursuit of her handsome neighbour, James Lacey, who had let fall that he was going to holiday there at the Nassau Beach Hotel. Agatha in pursuit of a m...

Agatha Raisin and the Vicious Vet by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Valentine

That most famous of highland bachelors, Police Sergeant Hamish Macbeth, was to be married at last. No, nothing like that mistake he had made before when he had nearly married some Russian. This was love. And he was to be married, right and proper, with a white wedding in the church in his home vi...

Death of a Valentine by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Perfect Wife (2011)

– Patrick Henry Hamish was just moving out of the police station in the Land Rover in the morning when Blair appeared, holding up a beefy hand.     ‘I hear ye’re going to consult the oracle,’ he said with a grin.     ‘Meaning what?’ ‘It’s all over the villa...

Death of a Perfect Wife (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

Animating Maria

Sir Walter Scott The next day, the rain ceased, although a sullen grey sky still pressed down on the sodden fields about the inn. Maria went for a walk along the road with Miss Spiggs to view the ravages of the storm. They had gone only a little way when Miss Spiggs began to complain that her fee...

Animating Maria by Beaton, M.C.

Marrying Harriet

. . don’t girls like a rake better than a milksop? Thackeray Lord Charles Marsham had an elegant mansion in Green Street. His staff were well-trained and content with their jobs, as Lord Charles preferred to keep his roistering away from home. Three weeks had passed since he had rescued that cat ...

Marrying Harriet by Beaton, M.C.

Penelope (1982)

Hyde Park was changed from a green oasis to a sort of crumbling dusty desert set about with temporary taverns. After the peace celebrations, every drinking place in town which had taken up temporary residence in the park had decided, it seemed, to make their stay permanent. Where green grass had ...

Penelope (1982) by Beaton, M.C.

Kitty (1979)

Jane was fluttering around in great excitement. “Everyone in Hadsea has sent you cards and presents,” she exclaimed. “Even Mr. Chambers, the butcher, sent a lovely ham with a heart round it made out of the best pork sausages. Such an imaginative touch. Let me see… there is cologne from the chemis...

Kitty (1979) by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Curious Curate

‘Oh, it’s you,’ she said. ‘Come in. Maybe you can tell me what I should do with this lot. They’re down in the cellar,’ she said, leading the way to a door under the stairs.     As Agatha bent her head to follow her through the low door and down shallow stone steps, she wondere...

Agatha Raisin and the Curious Curate by Beaton, M.C.

Edwardian Candlelight Omnibus

Molly was excited. The hour was eleven o’clock. They had managed to creep out of the Holden mansion without being observed. As they hurried along the sandy beach to Hadsea, Molly reflected that this was surely much more exciting than a London Season. Even more exciting than meeting King Edward hi...

Edwardian Candlelight Omnibus by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Charming Man (2011)

– John Knox Hamish Macbeth opened the curtains of his bedroom window, scratched his chest lazily and looked out at the loch. It was a bleached sort of day, the high milky-white cloud with the sun behind it draining colour from the loch, from the surrounding hills, as if the village of Lochdubh we...

Death of a Charming Man (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Walkers of Dembley

It was the day after the weekly meeting of the Dembley Walkers. He was referring to a certain Mr and Mrs James Lacey, who had turned up and said they were eager to join the walkers. Jeffrey and the others were in the Grapes at lunchtime, a somewhat more relaxed group than they had been in previou...

Agatha Raisin and the Walkers of Dembley by Beaton, M.C.

Frederica in Fashion (2012)

Now they found time lay heavy on their hands, for there was only the vicar to look after. To see to his needs was John Summer, his coachman-cum-groom-cum-kennel master-cum-whipper in. Then there was the odd-man, Harry Tring, who still acted as footman or butler, depending on the importance of the...

Frederica in Fashion (2012) by Beaton, M.C.

Snobbery with Violence

Much of this yaw haw comes down to us from the drawl of the fashionable Mid-Victorian ‘swells’, who were suggesting to their listeners that they were doing them a favour by talking to them at all.     J.B. Priestley, The Edwardians In the breakfast room, Rose helped herself to...

Snobbery with Violence by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came

C. Beaton ROBINSON London   Constable & Robinson Ltd 3 The Lanchesters 162 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9ER First published in the US 2002 by St Martin’s Press 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 First published in the UK by Robinson, an imprint of Constable & R...

Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came by Beaton, M.C.

Wicked Godmother

’tis cheaply earned; My conscience! how one’s cabman charges! But never mind, so I’m returned Safe to my native street of Clarges. H.D. TRAILL At first it seemed as if Number 67 was all set for one of the most tranquil periods the town house had known since it was first built early in the previou...

Wicked Godmother by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Dustman

– cinders, ashes, dust.     – John Keats They are still called dustmen in Britain. Not rubbish collectors or sanitation engineers. Just dustmen, as they were called in the days of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and Charles Dickens’s Our Mutual Friend.     ...

Death of a Dustman by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Bore

– Samuel Johnson There used to be quite a lot going on in a highland village during the long, dark winter months. There was a ceilidh every week where the locals danced or performed, singing the old songs or reciting poetry. Often there was a sewing circle with its attendant gossip; the Mothers’ ...

Death of a Bore by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Maid

This edition published by Robinson, an imprint of Constable & Robinson, 2010 Copyright © M. C. Beaton 2007, 2010 The right of M. C. Beaton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.    &nb...

Death of a Maid by Beaton, M.C.

Refining Felicity

Lord Byron, Don Juan Effy was told by Amy that Felicity had been well and truly lectured and to leave matters alone. Having tossed and turned most of the night, rehearsing a quite terrible lecture to deliver to Felicity, Effy felt cheated, and she kept saying she was sure Amy had been too soft-he...

Refining Felicity by Beaton, M.C.

Agatha Raisin: As The Pig Turns

She had wanted to join the others, but Paul had said he had something important to ask her. They had survived their first quarrel. They had argued because Toni refused to hear any criticism of Charles. Charles had been kind to her, she had protested. Paul fished in his pocket for the ring he had ...

Agatha Raisin: As The Pig Turns by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Sweep (2011)

– OSCAR WILDE Hamish called on John McFee the next day, anxious for some sort of a result.     ‘It’s difficult,’ said John. ‘I’ll let you know when I’ve got something. You see, you can hide names of any partners. It depends on what kinds of partners you have. For example, you ...

Death of a Sweep (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

Deborah Goes to Dover (2011)

William Shakespeare Miss Hannah Pym was in love.     She had fancied herself in love a long time ago when she had still been a servant, rather than the gentlewoman of independent means she was now. But this, she realized, was actually love at last. The real thing.   ...

Deborah Goes to Dover (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

Death of an Addict

– Charles Lamb ‘Don’t say anything at all,’ she snapped as she drove towards Strathbane. ‘I will speak to you when I am dry.’ When they arrived at the bungalow, Hamish followed her meekly in. ‘I will use the bathroom first,’ she said.     He went into the living room and switc...

Death of an Addict by Beaton, M.C.

Rainbird's Revenge

WILLIAM CONGREVE It was the worst day of young Jenny’s life. She was thoroughly ashamed of herself and made more thoroughly ashamed and miserable when Mrs Freemantle, on learning the glad news of Lady Letitia’s engagement, berated Jenny for having given her aunt so much unnecessary suffering the ...

Rainbird's Revenge by Beaton, M.C.

Daphne (2012)

He had the dogs sent ahead to London where no doubt Mr Apsley, if he could wrench himself away from his latest inamorata, would transfer them to his own kennels in the country.     He stayed on for two weeks at Hopeminster because he was suffering from headaches and not yet fu...

Daphne (2012) by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Hussy (2011)

– George Bernard Shaw Steel Ironside lay across the bed. There was blood everywhere. The meat cleaver which had struck a deep gash right across his neck lay discarded on the floor.     Forensic men were dusting every inch of the room for fingerprints and combing the carpet for...

Death of a Hussy (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

Rake's Progress

WILLIAM CONGREVE By noon the morning after the supper party, the servants rolled up their sleeves and grimly got to work. Angus MacGregor had to be summoned from the kitchen to help decant the bodies out into the street. Half-dressed men and women cursed him roundly, but he swore at them in Gaeli...

Rake's Progress by Beaton, M.C.

Beatrice Goes to Brighton (2011)

William Shakespeare Sir Geoffrey made his way home deep in thought. His ambition was to have a title – baron, viscount, earl or marquis. To this end, he had been cultivating friends of the Prince of Wales, and sending the prince handsome presents. So far, all he had received for his pains had bee...

Beatrice Goes to Brighton (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

Death of a Prankster (2011)

– Sir Winston Churchill Priscilla Halburton-Smythe had some difficulty getting into the grounds of Arrat House. The narrow road leading to it was crowded with reporters, photographers and television crews. Satellite dishes like giant mushrooms glinted palely in the grey light. Ignoring the questi...

Death of a Prankster (2011) by Beaton, M.C.

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