Sama idea przyświecająca książce oraz praca Bena Goldacre jest godna najwyższego podziwu. Trzeba wiele zacięcia i odwagi, żeby zajmować się tym co autor. Niestety sama książka nie jest pozbawiona wad. Na pewno nie spisała się korekta (stawianie kropki po "dr" w książce o nauce to już kompromitacj...
He argues that the drug industry is corrupted and it's corruption trickles over into the lives of doctors and patients, causing harm to everybody. According to what he brought to the table in his book, I would wholeheartedly agree. This book opened my eyes to the dirt of an industry drugs are and...
This book is not unbiased, but it is largely fair. The "bad" examples really happened, and some of the behaviors are still widespread - like failure to publish clinical trial results even years after the trial has been completed. As someone who's worked for two of the biggest firms, I'm still unh...
Dureros, dar sănătos - cam ăsta a fost efectul cărții. Ben Goldacre (care e un tip foarte tare - are o rubrică în The Guardian care merită urmărită oricând - plus e medic) prezintă mecanismele prin care medicamentele ajung să fie prescrise ... mecanisme care contrar a ceea ce te-ai putea aștepta ...
The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority has decided to let homeopathy manufacturers make medical claims on their sugar pill bottles, without any evidence of efficacy, and the government funds homeopathy on the NHS. This week the Parliamentary Science and Technology Select Committee look...