He groaned as Crispin showed himself in. It had been a week since he had walked out of Queen Eleanor’s chamber, tired and raw. They had continued their translations, but the conversation was now negligible. Wil was relieved, and unsettled. “I’ve brought the stones, wood cl...
This would be their third and final meeting before their wedding ceremony. This time, he wore robes of white, braided sandals, and an ornate red sash—jeweled with rubies and golden thread—around his waist. He also had a white turban that, rather than being wrapped appropriately around his head, w...
It was a deep sleep—endlessly falling into the layers of her mind—and she felt, if she chose, she could be lost to it forever. Part of Eleanor would not have cared; she was so weary. Her dreams were the texture of the desert, the gold and heat, and sometimes, she could almost feel the touch of he...