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Beverley Eikli books

Beverley Eikli
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Read Books by Beverley Eikli


A Little Deception

At the top of the stairs Arabella’s voice sounded sleepy as she bade everyone good night but Helena’s was sharp as she demanded of her husband, ‘It’s time to take your sister to task and demand that she have nothing more to do with Lord Rampton. He’s dangerous.’ ‘You wish to expose the charade?’ ...

A Little Deception by Beverley Eikli

Lady Sarah's Redemption

“Yes you are.” Sarah bared her teeth in what she’d intended to be a saccharine smile. “Now, shoulders back and get rid of that scowl.” She took Caro’s arm and propelled her to the nursery door. “Whoever conjugates the ‘to be’ verb first can have my portion of suet pudding,” Sarah said to the youn...

Lady Sarah's Redemption by Beverley Eikli

Wicked Wager

Lord Peregrine had never felt so conflicted in his life as he sat opposite Xenia on their short ride to their evening’s entertainment. No, he was not thinking about Xenia. As ever, his thoughts centred upon Miss Rosington. He glanced at his well-turned calves in his white silk stockings, above si...

Wicked Wager by Beverley Eikli

The Reluctant Bride (2013)

Emily and Angus now sat before the fire, wrapped in nothing but linen towels, shivering while two young maids filled a large tub with hot water.     After they’d left, Angus rose, extending his hand towards Emily. The catharsis of finding her alive and having her close by him ...

The Reluctant Bride (2013) by Beverley Eikli

Lady Farquhar's Butterfly

Spring was here and the hunting season, only a few months hence, would mean she’d see less of Lucien. The world in general looked more promising. Now, as she watched Nathaniel heedlessly trample those innocent harbingers of hope as he inspected the ropes that tied their trunks to his carriage thi...

Lady Farquhar's Butterfly by Beverley Eikli

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