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Bill Fitzhugh books

Bill Fitzhugh
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Read Books by Bill Fitzhugh


Cross Dressing (2005)

An advertising exec (Dan) steals an ad campaign from an intern who then tries to kill him but can't kill him because he already died but he didn't actually die because it was his identical twin brother who died but then Dan has to assume his twin brother's identity because otherwise he will be co...

Cross Dressing (2005) by Bill Fitzhugh

Fender Benders (2005)

Money turns otherwise rational people into shitheads, and people with more money than sense often turn out to be the biggest shitheads of all. And fame amplifies small idiosyncrasies into major catastrophes, to include drug use, fornication, and anger management issues. These themes run rampant i...

Fender Benders (2005) by Bill Fitzhugh

Bill Fitzhugh - Fender Benders

  Eddie and Megan arrived at Big Bill’s house an hour before the start of the recording session.  The three of them sat in the six hundred square foot kitchen sipping sweet tea.  Megan was playing it cool, but she was agog at the proportions of Big Bill’s Belle Meade estate.  This was exactly the...

Bill Fitzhugh - Fender Benders by Bill Fitzhugh

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