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Bill Kitson books

Bill Kitson
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Read Books by Bill Kitson


Depth of Despair (2011)

He was unlikely to be disturbed. The occupant of the flat wasn’t going to raise the alarm. Wasn’t going to raise anything any more.     He examined the bedroom critically. A sudden bleeping sound startled him. He spun round, eyes searching the room for the source. A red light ...

Depth of Despair (2011) by Bill Kitson

Buried in the Past (2014)

Thornton accused him of carelessness. ‘You’ve lost them, you stupid pillock. I told you we should have kept closer behind them. They could be anywhere by now. For all we know they could have collected the diamonds and be heading for the M1 and back to London already.’ ‘If you think you can do bet...

Buried in the Past (2014) by Bill Kitson

The Haunted Lady (2016)

I thought the narration was proving to be an emotional challenge for him. ‘My sister Devorah was five years older than me. Our mother was a noted scientist, as was her brother. Both worked for a medical laboratory, seeking new cures and treatments for diseases and such ailments as cancer. By cont...

The Haunted Lady (2016) by Bill Kitson

Identity Crisis

Heavy rain, brought sweeping in from the Atlantic by storm-to-gale force winds, lashed the north of England for much of the month. The last Thursday in February was no exception. As night fell, the wind picked up. On the outskirts of Helmsdale in Wintersett village, close to the edge of Helm Wood...

Identity Crisis by Bill Kitson

Dead and Gone (2015)

He glanced at the screen. ‘Yes, Clara?’ ‘We’ve got an address for our car driver. It’s Ivy Cottage in Gorton. The details were on a rental agreement in the car. Lisa and I are going round there. I’ll let you know if we find anything.’ ‘OK. I’m at the mortuary so I’ll ring you when I’m free again....

Dead and Gone (2015) by Bill Kitson

Silent as the Grave (2014)

The journal had been compiled in many different scripts; some of them impossible to decipher. There was obviously a marked variation in the standard of literacy of the many contributors. In parts the ink had faded so badly as to be completely illegible. I have to say that these sections, and thos...

Silent as the Grave (2014) by Bill Kitson

Altered Egos

Apart from the usual crop of drink related offences, most of them dealt with by uniformed branch, there were only a couple of domestic disputes that developed into assaults. Early in the New Year when Superintendent Edwards paid him a visit, the worst he had to report was a trio of unsolved burgl...

Altered Egos by Bill Kitson

Minds That Hate

The paper was owned by the Pollard family. They took an active part in the running of the daily. The founder had been involved until he was into his eighties. His two sons divided their responsibilities: the elder brother ran the newspaper whilst his sibling managed the other family enterprises. ...

Minds That Hate by Bill Kitson

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