Rats, Rats! Here I am, a relf-respecting kitten just trying to survive in a real rat-eat-cat world, when the humans in my life start acting crazy. Something about the kids, the grandkids, coming to visit for Christmas. I would have run away if I had known what that meant! Mama accusing me of tear...
This was a really cute book. 4.5 stars. A quick read. I really enjoyed how Thunder grew up and strong through determination and stubbornness. There was a little bit of "adultish" content, with two of the roadrunners stepping out on each other and not being true and honest to each other. Maybe for...
Kent doesn't believe in monsters. But he knows he saw two gleaming yellow eyes beneath the surface of Cedar Lake when he and his buddies were camping at the lake. When he sneaks out alone a few nights later to investigate, the eyes return -- and they seem to be following him. Kent and his friend...