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Brenda Chapman books

Brenda Chapman
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Read Books by Brenda Chapman


Butterfly Kills (2015)

**Thanks to Netgalley and Dundurn Press for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.**It is rare that I read a book that makes me feel as though if I don't write my review the second I finish it the wonderfulness of it may escape me. This was one of those. Yearning...

Butterfly Kills (2015) by Brenda Chapman

Tumbled Graves (2016)

Woodhouse grabbed a mug from the selection on the shelf and lined up behind Bennett. “When will I learn not to stay up half the night watching MMA fighting?”     “Are they still showing that garbage?” Bennett handed Woodhouse the coffee pot.     “Mixed mart...

Tumbled Graves (2016) by Brenda Chapman

The Second Wife

I planned to catch up on some work and then visit the dental office. I’d brought the papers that Sally Peters had photocopied for me. It was time to figure out where the dentist office was located. I skimmed down the sheet until I found the clinic name. “Pine Tree Dental on West Superior Street,”...

The Second Wife by Brenda Chapman

The Hard Fall

I set out after making Dad’s breakfast. The rain from the day before had moved on but the air was still cool. Winter would be blowing into town soon. I’d spent the last five winters in the southern States, and my wardrobe ran to bathing suits, sandals, and shorts. The first snowfall was going to ...

The Hard Fall by Brenda Chapman

Trail of Secrets

He looked relaxed in jeans and a red and white plaid shirt rolled up at the sleeves. Wet hair meant he’d just come out of the shower. When he saw me, he smiled and the tiredness softened around his eyes. “Hey, Jenny bear. I thought you’d been spending too much time alone, so I told Tyson Palmer h...

Trail of Secrets by Brenda Chapman

My Sister's Keeper

I turned to Cheri, who was following me like a shadow. “Your power must have been off. You could have a fridge full of ruined food.” “Whatever is causing that smell is disgusting. Phew.” I looked around Cheri and Jimmy’s house. It was an older bungalow on a two-acre lot in Manotick, a village a h...

My Sister's Keeper by Brenda Chapman

To Keep a Secret

I hesitated before turning the handle, not sure who would be inside. I’d made a lot of noise running up the stairs, so the element of surprise was gone. After taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open. Nick Roma was sitting at the desk. He looked up from his laptop and smiled. “Hey, Anna. You ...

To Keep a Secret by Brenda Chapman

Second Chances

Her face reminded me of a hornet that had been poked with a stick.     “I can’t believe you didn’t wake me up. You knew how bad I wanted out of here.”     “I didn’t know you’d slept through your alarm. It wasn’t like I wanted you to miss the trip to Toronto...

Second Chances by Brenda Chapman

In Winter's Grip

By the time I greeted the day, the mercury had settled some five degrees above freezing, and the sun was beaming down from a cloudless blue sky. Claire and Gunnar were long gone when I finally made my way to the kitchen, drawn by the smell of strong coffee that Claire had made and left warming. I...

In Winter's Grip by Brenda Chapman

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