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Brian Falkner books

Brian Falkner
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Read Books by Brian Falkner


Brainjack (2009)

When I started to read this book, I thought it would involve mental web surfing, running from the law, and a single boy with amazing technology. I was wrong on the first and third predictions. What I found was much better than I thought. The point of the story was clear, and the chapters flowed i...

Brainjack (2009) by Brian Falkner

The Tomorrow Code (2008)

I think this book is really good. I never stop to think if time travel is real, everyone thinks it is science fiction. I think the book has a good plot and even if I really do not like physics that much, it got my attention and now I have a different perspective towards physics. The book is about...

The Tomorrow Code (2008) by Brian Falkner

Der Tomorrow Code (2010)

The book is about two teenagers who send messages from future to the past to overcome an apocalypse.When dealing with complex idea such as time travel, it would have been better if the author had not left many paradoxes.For instance, if A invents a machine based on a design obtained from future a...

Der Tomorrow Code (2010) by Brian Falkner

The Project (2000)

In “The Project” a boy and his friend feel that the book they were assigned was the most boring book in the world. They refused to write the report and the vice principal of the school makes a deal with the boys. If the boys can find one list with the book as one of the most boring books, they do...

The Project (2000) by Brian Falkner

Northwood (2011)

A kids book with enough adventure and tension to make anyone enjoy it. Cecilia Undergarment grew up in a balloon house. Not an actual balloon, but a house shaped like a balloon. She also had a secret; she can talk to animals. (Very Eliza Thornberry, I know). One day she was playing in the attic w...

Northwood (2011) by Brian Falkner


Neither has the beast next to him, which still traps his arm. The all-enveloping thud of the creature’s heart seems slower now. With each beat he waits longer for the next, the anticipation building up like a wave crashing onto a beach. He tries to free his arm, but cannot. It is firmly trapped u...

Battlesaurus by Brian Falkner

Task Force (2013)

SONRAD [MISSION DAY 2] [0020 hours Local time] [Bzadian SONRAD station, St. Helena Island, New Bzadia] “TASK FORCE ACTUAL, THIS IS ANGEL ONE. VIPER CHANNEL is open.” “Angel One, this is Task Force Actual. Please confirm your last.” “Angel One, confirming Viper Channel is open. How copy?” “Solid c...

Task Force (2013) by Brian Falkner

Clash of Empires

It is raining, an icy drizzle, and the red-coated British soldiers on sentry duty huddle beneath trees. They are cold and wet but dare not light fires for fear it will ruin their night vision. The moon is curtained by heavy cloud and of no use, so the sentries do not see the unlit French ships ho...

Clash of Empires by Brian Falkner

Brain Jack

Sam stood in the doorway and stared at him, his mouth, and his eyes, wide open.     “Where’s Dodge?” Tyler asked.     Vienna’s eyes flicked to the side, and Tyler nudged the door open a bit wider with his boot.     Dodge stood to one sid...

Brain Jack by Brian Falkner

The Real Thing (2004)

That’s a lot of Coke. Every second of every hour of every day, 8000 glasses of Coke gurgle down thirsty throats around the world. That’s also a lot of Coke. Coca-Cola was the first soft drink to be drunk in space. Even the modern image of Santa Claus was actually invented by The Coca-Cola Company...

The Real Thing (2004) by Brian Falkner

Vengeance (2014)

Bilal sounded worried and frustrated on the speaker. “Request!” Barnard exploded. “It’s not a request. Don’t they understand that they are picking a fight they can’t possibly win?” “Barnard’s right,” Price said. “It’s mass suicide.” “I explained it in words of one syllable,” Bilal said. “They’re ...

Vengeance (2014) by Brian Falkner

Ice War (2013)

1140 HOURS LOCAL TIME] [OFFICE FC7001, THIRD LEVEL, WEST QUARTER, THE PENTAGON, VIRGINIA] “You’re sure it was Panyoczki?” Bilal asked. He was sitting opposite Wilton. The office door was shut. “It was Monster,” Wilton said. “I’d know his voice anywhere.” “Any chance he was under duress?” Bilal as...

Ice War (2013) by Brian Falkner

The Assault (2012)

THE TUNNEL “MOVE!” CHISNALL YELLED. “MOVE!” HE GOT ONLY GROGGY stirrings from his team. The round shape of the battle tank blocked all the light, turning the day into twilight. The barrel of the gun rotated as it rose toward him. He tried to will his legs to walk, to run. But there was no time. T...

The Assault (2012) by Brian Falkner

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