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C. S. Harris books

C. S. Harris
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Read Books by C. S. Harris


Why Kings Confess

He walked up Swallow Street, trying to make sense of a murder investigation that seemed to be going in three different directions at once. The next logical step would be to speak to Marie-Thérèse, the Duchesse d’Angoulême, herself. But the daughter of the last crowned King of France was currently...

Why Kings Confess by C. S. Harris

What Darkness Brings

Despite Francillon’s use of the term “lad,” Perlman was actually forty-two years old. A patron of the most exclusive establishments in Bond Street and Savile Row, he lived with his new bride in a lavish mansion on the north side of Hanover Square. The source of his wealth was a vast mercantile em...

What Darkness Brings by C. S. Harris

When Maidens Mourn

Cyr Mystery Chapter 17  After the magistrate’s departure, Sebastian poured himself a tankard of ale and went to stand before the empty hearth, one boot resting on the cold fender. He stood for a long time, running through all he knew about Gabrielle Tennyson’s last days, and all he still needed t...

When Maidens Mourn by C. S. Harris

Who Buries the Dead

“The strangest thing happened at the market this morning,” she said, yanking off her yellow kid gloves as she walked into the library. “There was this man—” She broke off as Devlin looked up and she saw his face.     The room was filled with shadows, for the day had grown over...

Who Buries the Dead by C. S. Harris

When Falcons Fall

It had rained during the night. But now the air was clear and fresh with the new day, the sunlight filtering down through the leafy branches overhead golden and warm. Wrapping her arms around her bent knees, Hero sat on the moss-covered log where Emma’s body had been found and stared out at the s...

When Falcons Fall by C. S. Harris

When Gods Die

said Paul Gibson when Sebastian met him later that day for a pint of ale at a pub not far from the Tower. “It’s as if they somehow revise their memories of unpleasant or uncomplimentary incidents until they come up with something more self-flattering, or at least more palatable. In a sense you co...

When Gods Die by C. S. Harris

Why Mermaids Sing

“Is something wrong with the eggs, my lord?” asked his majordomo, starting forward. “What?” Sebastian looked up, puzzled. “Oh. No, the eggs are fine, Morey. Thank you.” Shoving the plate aside, Sebastian turned his attention to the news article on page three: RETIRED GREENWICH SEA CAPTAIN FOUND D...

Why Mermaids Sing by C. S. Harris

What Remains of Heaven

“I know,” said Sebastian, not looking up from the serious business of tying a fresh cravat. “Do what you can to get the smell out. But if it doesn’t work, burn it.” Jules Calhoun drew back in mock astonishment. “What? You mean to say you don’t fancy walking around London smelling like a hundred-y...

What Remains of Heaven by C. S. Harris

Where Serpents Sleep

He’d come here to what was left of the Magdalene House after leaving the Black Dragon in St. Giles. A journeyman glazier passing in the street threw him a sharp look, but kept walking. Sebastian stared out over the charred jumble of debris and wondered why he hadn’t seen it before.   What manner ...

Where Serpents Sleep by C. S. Harris

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