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Caitlin Sinead books

Caitlin Sinead
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Read Books by Caitlin Sinead


Red Blooded

Half ending, half beginning. They’re more fun with kids, though. When Peyton was twelve, we went to a wedding with the McCoys. We finished off the cake that didn’t go that well with my Amstel Light while we avoided the Electric Slide. Then, a song I’d never heard before blasted on.   &n...

Red Blooded by Caitlin Sinead


My bare feet are firm against the hardwood. My stance is straight, proud. I am exactly in the center. I know it’s the center because Rachel and I measured it and there is a small blue blob of paint there leftover from last spring’s “The Iceman Cometh.” My chest is just slightly out and my hands a...

Heartsick by Caitlin Sinead

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