Leo said.“Yeah, I kinda agree with you,” I said, but climbed out of the truck anyway. I headed across the parking lot without waiting to see if he followed me. Objectively, I could recognize that taking Leo last minute Christmas shopping at Wal-Mart was a pretty terrible idea and yet still get a ...
Through the kitchen doorway, I saw Leo and Chad facing off, in the armchair and on the couch respectively, sitting in awkward silence. Chad twitched and roamed his eyes around the room, looking uncomfortable and like he deeply regretted forcing me into his squad car. Leo just smirked. He’d put on...
Leo had been gone when I had woken up, and I took a second to look into my spare bedroom. It was empty, of course, except for some stray free weights I had picked up at a garage sale and now used to hold the carpet down. The closet door was closed though, and I knew better than to look inside. Th...