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Campbell, Nenia books

Campbell, Nenia
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Read Books by Campbell, Nenia


Armed and Dangerous (The IMA)

The rising sun turned the serene waves of mineral deposits into a mural of fire, bringing out rich amber, gold, and cinnabar that had previously lain dormant.     I rolled over, still half-asleep, and humbled by the cave walls. My face mashed against a man's naked chest. I loo...

Armed and Dangerous (The IMA) by Campbell, Nenia

Endgame (Voluntary Eradicators)

When she opens her eyes, the God Mod — Catan Vareth — is disconnecting her from the sensory equipment. Vol knocks his hand away. “I can do it myself. Don't touch me.”     He looks at her with feigned surprise. “I'm sorry. Is there a problem?”     There is, ...

Endgame (Voluntary Eradicators) by Campbell, Nenia

Cease and Desist (The IMA Book 4)

People panicked.     I saw a vendor's stall get overturned. A homeless man got up from the full plastic bag he was leaning against to yell at persons unknown. His voice was lost in the melee and it wasn't until Michael grabbed my wrist and I saw his lips moving that I realized...

Cease and Desist (The IMA Book 4) by Campbell, Nenia

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