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Candace Camp books

Candace Camp
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Read Books by Candace Camp


The Courtship Dance (2009)

Davvero bello.Confermo è il migliore della saga. L'amore tra Francesca e Sinclair non è acqua passata..anzi!Storia travolgente, romantica e passionale scritta in un modo che..non riuscivo a staccarmi dal libro!Ci voleva propio un libro così, fresco e romantico, con personaggi un pò tormentati.Con...

The Courtship Dance (2009) by Candace Camp

Progetti di matrimonio (2009)

Book three of this series started in much the same way as the previous two. With great anticipation only to be dissapointed. When the two main characters first met there was a witty repartee that promised much. But shortly thereafter it was as if there had been a transfusion of sickly sweetness...

Progetti di matrimonio (2009) by Candace Camp

Gli amanti d'inverno (2012)

Wonderfully written romance. Ugly duckling (well supposedly plain anyway) spinster heroine who is a vicar's sister who blossoms into a swan due to the hero's love. Very well written & the H/H's characters had amazing chemistry. The finding of abandoned baby who may/not be the hero's missing siste...

Gli amanti d'inverno (2012) by Candace Camp

Winter Scandal (2013)

Thea Bainbridge is just over at the church visiting the vicar and his wife. When Thea goes off to the church she finds a baby in the actual manger. Thea can't believe it. a baby. She is asking herself: who would abandon a baby? Then Thea notices a brooch with the baby, that listed his fathers nam...

Winter Scandal (2013) by Candace Camp

Un'impeccabile gentildonna (2011)

SERIE WILLOWMERE n. 1Lettura di gruppo E&LLetto tutto d'un fiato. Anche se trama semplice e classisa e si sa già come va finire..a me è piaciuto tanto.Sarà perchè è capitato a "fagiolo" visto il libro abbastanza cupo letto per Halloween ci voleva proprio una ventata di freschezza.Divertente perc...

Un'impeccabile gentildonna (2011) by Candace Camp

Matrimoni e compromessi (2013)

"«Meglio stare attenti» l'ammonì lui, sorridendo. «Ci stannoguardando tutti.»«Allora diamo loro qualcosa da vedere.» Genevieve si alzòin punta di piedi e lo baciò."Devo ammettere che avevo apprezzato di più la storia di Alec, ma anche questo terzo capitolo della serie Le leggende di St. Dwynwen è...

Matrimoni e compromessi (2013) by Candace Camp

The Marrying Season (2013)

This is the best of the bunch in this trilogy. More fleshed out characters, a little bit of a mystery that needs solving before the happy ever after and a very appealing hero. We met Myles in the first book and he is also in the second book as a school friend of earlier heroes Gabriel and Alec. T...

The Marrying Season (2013) by Candace Camp

Bonds of Love (1978)

Independent 24yo heroine is disconcerted by her attraction to 1 of the Confederate prisoners who her father hired to work in their shipping business. His brazen kisses ignite her sexuality for the 1st time ever which scares her enough to avoid him & accept a more suitable suitor's marriage propos...

Bonds of Love (1978) by Candace Camp

Winterset (2004)

The first pages drew me in with the imagery of a woman crying out, struggling to get away from some dark force. It is a prophetic dream that drew me into this delicious gothic romance, so much so that I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning. While reading in those early hours, I got a text ...

Winterset (2004) by Candace Camp

So Wild A Heart (2006)

Generations ago, the Aincourt family was given a title and land for their loyalty to the king. But the former abbey they received came with a price - a curse that no family member would ever know happiness.Devin Aincourt, Earl of Ravenscar, makes no apologies for who he is - a drinker, a womanize...

So Wild A Heart (2006) by Candace Camp

Promise Me Tomorrow (2007)

Una Camp un pò sottotono, la parte del mistero viene svelata al lettore fin dalle prime pagine ma è chiaro che i personaggi nel libro non potranno mai arrivarci (parliamo di eventi risalenti a più di dieci anni fa XD) e infatti il tutto si scopre proprio alle ultime pagine, senza grandi emozioni....

Promise Me Tomorrow (2007) by Candace Camp

A Dangerous Man (2007)

Eleanor has always been looked on askance as 'the bossy American' by London society, the very antithesis of British virtue and propriety. Now, at the death of her husband, she has been appointed trustee to his estate, and the proverbial fur is flying. Infuriated, her mother-in-law sends Lord Anth...

A Dangerous Man (2007) by Candace Camp

Swept Away (2006)

Swept Away, Candace Camp (B) - This was my first Camp novel and while I enjoyed it, I wasn't overwhelmed by it. It feels just a little dated to me, and overall, the first part of the story is a little disjointed from the second half. The first act is almost farcical in that the heroine believes...

Swept Away (2006) by Candace Camp

No Other Love (2007)

The conclusion to the Montford Heirs series. This is the story of Jack/John, the 3rd missing child of Lord and Lady Exmoor, who was sent by his mother, Simone, with his sisters 20 years prior. She sent them with a locket for each of her daughters and for her son, the family ring of the Earls of E...

No Other Love (2007) by Candace Camp

An Unexpected Pleasure (2006)

Had Theo Moreland, the Marquess of Raine, killed her brother? And had the treasure the two men sought in South America hastened his descent to an early grave? American journalist Megan Mulcahey "had" to know. But to find out, she needed to infiltrate the marquess's household. The new American gov...

An Unexpected Pleasure (2006) by Candace Camp

The Marriage Wager (2007)

In a world where love was always a gamble, they meant to beat the odds No longer in the first blush of youth and without a marriage portion, Miss Constance Woodley could scarcely imagine why one of the leading lights of London society should take an interest in the likes of her. But under her b...

The Marriage Wager (2007) by Candace Camp

Beyond Compare (2004)

Though Kyria Moreland is beautiful enough to earn the sobriquet "The Goddess" and rich enough to attract London's most sought after gentlemen, she has yet to find love and refuses to marry without it. When she receives a strange package under mysterious circumstances, she is confronted with dange...

Beyond Compare (2004) by Candace Camp


Elizabeth’s face glowed and she clasped her hands together in excitement. “Where does it go?”     “I don’t know.” Isobel peered down into the dimly lit spiral of stone steps.     “It must go outside,” Elizabeth said. “A secret entrance to the house.”  ...

Treasured by Candace Camp


But Meg did not need to see his face; she knew that long, lithe body, the straight, imperial stance.     “I shall take my leave, then,” Meg said hurriedly. “Good-bye, Lyn—”     “Oh, no, stay.” Lynette laid a hand on her arm. “My father will want to greet yo...

Pleasured by Candace Camp

An Affair Without End (2011)

She had seen blood before, and injured men. At times at their tavern customers had gotten into fights, and they had frequently wound up bloodied. But something about the way her stepfather lay on the floor, utterly still, his head a bloody mess, told her this was worse than anything else she had ...

An Affair Without End (2011) by Candace Camp


She blinked at him, her mouth slightly open in surprise.“Don’t make a fool of yourself, Pamela,” he bit out.Her eyes widened, and anger flashed in them. “How dare you! Let go of me!”“Gladly.” He released her wrists and stepped back.“Are you going to try to tell me that you’re in love with that ch...

Mesmerized by Candace Camp

The Hidden Heart

He even apologized! He said he had been rude, and that it was wrong of him. Can you imagine?”Jessica smiled at her charge, enjoying the unabashed happiness on Gabriela’s face. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes sparkling, and she was talking with her old vivacity. It was heartening to see the weig...

The Hidden Heart by Candace Camp

Impulse (1997)

Kate was kneeling on the floor beside the couch on which Angela lay, frowning down worriedly at her as she waved smelling salts beneath Angela’s nose. Angela coughed at the acrid scent and feebly pushed Kate’s arm away. “There, now. She’s coming round,” Kate declared triumphantly. For a moment, A...

Impulse (1997) by Candace Camp


She and Coll had been reading Faye Munro’s journal for three nights now, and though they had not yet found a word about the treasure, she was looking forward to the evening. She found the journey of discovery as fascinating as the goal itself. Something about taking that journey with Coll was als...

Enraptured by Candace Camp

The Wedding Challenge

Francesca and Lady Daphne, Callie noticed, were seated as far apart as they could get and still remain on the blanket, and there was a faint flush to Francesca’s cheeks, telling Callie that she was not in the best of humors. Miss Swanson and Irene were seated between them, the latter looking dete...

The Wedding Challenge by Candace Camp

Indiscreet (2012)

It was what he and Sedgewick had talked about time and again—the possibility that the man they were looking for was from the upper classes, someone Richard Winslow would have readily invited into his home, even into his inner sanctum, his study.     “A gentleman? Are you sure?...

Indiscreet (2012) by Candace Camp

A Stolen Heart

Aunt Hortense hurried to Rhea and knelt beside her, lowering her head to Rhea’s face.“She’s still breathing, thank God. Here, don’t just stand there, girls, help me get her into her bed.”Her words jolted the maids from their trance, and they scurried to help Hortense lift Rhea and put her in the ...

A Stolen Heart by Candace Camp

The Bridal Quest

She hoped, no doubt, to make Irene jealous with the mention of the other women and the suggestion that Lord Radbourne might choose one of them instead.Irene, however, had no intention of being manipulated by Lady Odelia or anyone else. She reminded herself that it made no difference to her whethe...

The Bridal Quest by Candace Camp

A Summer Seduction

Her hand rested on his chest over the steady thump of his heart. She felt almost boneless and a little dazed after the cataclysm she had just experienced. Alec’s arm was heavy across her back and arm, and she wondered if he was asleep. Damaris raised her head a little to peek at Alec’s face. He s...

A Summer Seduction by Candace Camp

A Winter Scandal

A groom hurried forward as the vicar’s pony trap pulled to a stop in front of the house, and Daniel handed him the reins before going around to help his sister out of the open-air vehicle. It had been a cold ride over to Cliffe Manor, and despite the lap robe across their legs and the hood Thea h...

A Winter Scandal by Candace Camp

Secrets of the Heart

Her stomach was a mass of nerves, and it was so difficult to breathe in the tight dress that she felt a trifle faint. A dozen times since she had arrived at the inn, she had thought of throwing her mantle around her and running, but she had forced herself to stay. She was determined to do this.Th...

Secrets of the Heart by Candace Camp

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