Wind buffeted Maggie on the motorcycle, an occasional bug pinged off the helmet visor covering her face and she had the sensation she was flying through space on a low rocket. All she could do was keep her arms around Tony and hang on for dear life. He’d seemed distracted ...
He ignored the din of diners eating at the busy counter and gave a curt nod to the tall, unfriendly looking guy emerging through the colorful curtain, cup of coffee in hand. A relative? A boyfriend? Was Jessie circling the wagons already? Well, gentle and vulnerable or not, let her try to stop hi...
Smells of pumpkin cookies Alyssa baked after she and Ben returned from the committee meeting and seeing Zebadiah filled the house. Hope had opted out of baking but had helped with cooking supper. Ben hadn’t given his daughter a choice about stringing popcorn for the fund-raiser’s Christmas trees....