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Carolyn Thornton books

Carolyn Thornton
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Read Books by Carolyn Thornton


Male Order Bride

Most evenings she would drive out to his house after work, where he would have dinner waiting for her. Occasionally he invited friends over and introduced her to his circle of acquaintances. A couple of times he took her out to dinner and dancing with long strolls on the surf-tossed beach in the ...

Male Order Bride by Carolyn Thornton

For Eric's Sake

He looked so domestic, so very much the part she had gambled he could play. Had she glimpsed this side of him during those nights she watched him in the restaurant? Was this why she had been so determined to "trap" him? Had she married him for her own selfish reasons? No, that wasn't quite true. ...

For Eric's Sake by Carolyn Thornton

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