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Castle, Mort books

Castle, Mort
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Read Books by Castle, Mort


Cursed Be the Child

“No, afraid not,” Vicki said. For a while, at least, church would have to be off-limits. Oh, in her heart of hearts she did want to attend services tomorrow, but she couldn’t—not until she thought she could enter Grove Corner Presbyterian without being embarrassingly tagged as “that woman whose k...

Cursed Be the Child by Castle, Mort


The enclosure’s fiberglass doors were clouded. In these few square feet of wet and heat, Beth felt sealed away from the starkness of a sometimes too-real world; this was better, a wispy, ethereal softness enveloping her like a good dream. Smiling, Michael said, “I’ll get your back for you.” She t...

Strangers by Castle, Mort

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