Here we are, a part of that silence, as adrift as the asteroids and the light-years-long trail of ice and space dust behind us. We are soon to be joined by those that destroyed us. One moment, the craft is just another star in the void, a pale pinpoint of light indistingu...
That same energy was in the halls all around him. As he passed each desk and checkpoint in the hospital, he saw phones being lifted up, male and female nurses speaking quickly to each other in Russian jargon, much of which was impossible for him to follow. Spencer knew what was happening, even ...
“This ship could actually fly again, though not through the slipstream,” Bishop says. “The destruction wasn’t to her thrusters, but to her warp drives, life-support systems, and the hull. Atmo leaked out, they had to make an emergency landing.” We can see the Ianeth’s mind at work, visualizing...