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Charles De Lint books

Charles de Lint
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Read Books by Charles de Lint


Muse and Reverie (2009)

Every time I find a collection of Newford stories that I haven't yet read, it's like a bit like my birthday. Charles de Lint is one of my writing idols, and I love his take on urban fantasy.Every story in this collection is interesting and different from the next. New characters and old staples o...

Muse and Reverie (2009) by Charles de Lint

La mappa del dragone (2011)

Rides the line between YA and Adult, slightly on the YA side.Excellent as De Lint always is. Not my favorite, but that's a *really* high bar. It's very good as a coming of age story, in the same "there are real consequences and not everything is always perfect at the end" genre as Holly Black, th...

La mappa del dragone (2011) by Charles de Lint

The Painted Boy (2010)

Charles de Lint’s The Painted Boy is an exceptionally inspiring book written by an exceptional craftsman in the history of writing extraordinary books. This story reflects on the ideas of being strong in whatever you do, never giving up hope, and evading the obstacles thrown at you in life. The P...

The Painted Boy (2010) by Charles de Lint

Eyes Like Leaves (2009)

I love Charles de Lint, he is one of my favourite author, but this is an early work, and it shows.It is a classic, classic tale.The good versus evil, the difficult journey, the reluctant hero(ine) who learn she has power but don't want it, The other character who would like to have the power and ...

Eyes Like Leaves (2009) by Charles de Lint

The Onion Girl (2002)

I really liked this fantasy book and would recommend it, as well as Charles de Lint’s books in general, to anyone who likes modern-day fantasy, especially if they like books that are character driven and maybe a little slower-paced than other stuff on the market.Despite that, though, this particu...

The Onion Girl (2002) by Charles de Lint

Dreams Underfoot (2003)

Terri Windling's Introduction to Charles de Lint's Dreams Underfoot (1993) accurately describes the “urban magic” infusing the collection of nineteen short stories as using “the tools of myth, folklore and fantasy” to “record dreams,” mixing “ancient folklore motifs and contemporary urban charact...

Dreams Underfoot (2003) by Charles de Lint

The Newford Stories: Dreams Underfoot / The Ivory and The Horn / Moonlight and Vines (1999)

With his uncanny grasp of the magic hovering at the edge of everyday life, "Charles de Lint shows that, far from being escapism, contemporary fantasy can be the deep mythic literature of our time." (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction) Perhaps this is why the Modern Library 100 Best Books o...

The Newford Stories: Dreams Underfoot / The Ivory and The Horn / Moonlight and Vines (1999) by Charles de Lint

Moonheart (1994)

For years I have heard great things about Moonheart. So much hype centers around this as a defining work in the career of Charles de Lint. I had read several works by de Lint and liked them all. However, all the hype made it hard for me to get started and this book sat on my shelf for a year.The...

Moonheart (1994) by Charles de Lint

Greenmantle (1998)

I enjoyed it overall but I did not expect it to be practically half mafia story, half deep woodland story as the book cover and info on the back does not hint at the mafia involvement whatsoever. If I had picked the book up in a shop I may have read the first couple of pages and been put off by t...

Greenmantle (1998) by Charles de Lint

Borderland (1986)

This is one of those books I'd always heard about, but never been able to track down. Finally, last year, Greg at Dreamhaven books sold me a battered old copy so I could see what everyone was talking about. This is a "shared world" anthology, about a place called "The Borderlands," where the wo...

Borderland (1986) by Charles de Lint

Spirits in the Wires (2004)

Before I get into Spirits in the Wires, I just have to say: one thing I generally love about De Lint books are the lady characters. I hate the phrase ~manic pixie dream girl~ in light of the derogatory way it's generally employed, but it still comes to mind — more in the sense that De Lint has a ...

Spirits in the Wires (2004) by Charles de Lint

The Blue Girl (2006)

The Blue GirltThe Blue Girl, Written by Charles de Lint in the year of 2004. The book was published by Penguin Group in New York. Okay, now that I have the uselessness out of the way, let’s get on to the main event… the story!!! I want to find a good way of how to open this up. Well, I guess we c...

The Blue Girl (2006) by Charles de Lint

Forests of the Heart (2001)

[7/10]My third Newford book and probably not my last. I have not been reading them in order, but that's OK, as they can be enjoyed independently. I'm trading being more or less clueless about some of the recurring characters in order to focus on the ones particular to each novel as a stand-alone....

Forests of the Heart (2001) by Charles de Lint

Trader (2005)

When I began reading Trader, I honestly wasn’t sure what to think. Most people I’ve spoken with about de Lint’s writing tell me that he’s urban fantasy, so I was waiting for werewolves lurking in the hedges or vampires tromping down the sidewalks, interspersed with more sexual encounters than one...

Trader (2005) by Charles de Lint

Moonlight and Vines (2005)

The grimness is relentless. Although happy endings are the rule rather than the exception – or at least optimistic ones – almost every single character either is going through hell or has gone through hell. It’s nothing new with this book that the number of happy childhoods among his characters c...

Moonlight and Vines (2005) by Charles de Lint

Someplace to Be Flying (2005)

This was the first Charles de Lint novel that I had ever read, and it's an interesting place to start. I had honestly never even heard of the author before. Strange, considering that he's been writing this Newford series for nearly two decades...and it's a travesty that none of my fantasy-reading...

Someplace to Be Flying (2005) by Charles de Lint

Yarrow (1997)

Yet another book I haven't read in probably twenty years, Yarrow is the story of Cat Midhir, a fantasy novelist who, unbeknownst to everyone else, is dependent on her dreams for her writing. Every night she has found herself in another world, where she sits at the feet of the tall fae bard Kothl...

Yarrow (1997) by Charles de Lint

The Ivory and the Horn (1996)

Από τα τρία βιβλία του Τσαρλς Ντε Λιντ που έχουν μεταφραστεί στα ελληνικά, στην βιβλιοθήκη μου ανήκει μόνο η συλλογή διηγημάτων Οι πύλες των ονείρων, που μόλις τελείωσα. Δεν είναι καν στα δέκα πιο πολυδιαβασμένα έργα του και κατά κάποιο τρόπο είναι το έκτο βιβλίο της γνωστής σειράς Newford, η οπο...

The Ivory and the Horn (1996) by Charles de Lint

Tapping the Dream Tree (2003)

I've always loved Charles de Lint since I read a story by him, about a man and the tree from his childhood. I don't remember all the details, as you can clearly tell (its been maybe... 10-13 years since I read it), but I remember the feeling that I had when I read the story and it was a warm feel...

Tapping the Dream Tree (2003) by Charles de Lint

Spiritwalk (1993)

I started reading this on my Kobo on a lovely spring afternoon that I couldn't squander inside. It wasn't necessarily next in my queue, but I knew it was close anyway, and being a big fan of de Lint's work, I've been eager to get to it. This is an early novel of his that follows up his previous b...

Spiritwalk (1993) by Charles de Lint

Drink Down the Moon (1990)

Unseen by mortal eyes, magical creatures carry on a secret existence--in the streets and parks of a modern city. Jacky Rowan slew a giant once ... but now she's imprisoned in a wizard's tower, and only young Johnny Faw has the music--and the magic--to set her free.

Drink Down the Moon (1990) by Charles de Lint

Out of This World

Which also means having to deal with los tíos, and I already know the hawk uncles have some weird hold over the Mexican gangs. When you add in the fact that the Kings are just plain loco, there’s no way to tell what he’ll do. Turns out he opts for backing down. His eyes are spitting hate, but he’...

Out of This World by Charles de Lint

Moonlight & Vines (1999)

—attributed to Dolly Parton 1 It’s celebrity night at the Standish and we have us some line-up. There are two Elvises—a young one, with the swiveling hips and a perfect sneer, and a white-suited one, circa the Vegas years. A Buddy Holly who sounds right but could’ve lost fifty pounds if he really...

Moonlight & Vines (1999) by Charles de Lint

Newford Stories

Maida told Jilly when she and Zia dropped by the professor’s house for a visit at the end of November. Zia nodded happily. “Yes, we’ve become veryvery respectable.” Jilly had to laugh. “I can’t imagine either of you ever being completely respectable.” That comment drew an exaggerated pout from ea...

Newford Stories by Charles de Lint

Ivory and the Horn

—Elizabeth David         In her office, her head rests upon her arms, her arms upon the desk. She is alone. The only sounds are those of the clock on the wall, monotonously repeating its two-syllable vocabulary, and the faint noise of the street coming in through her closed wi...

Ivory and the Horn by Charles de Lint

Dreams Underfoot: A Newford Collection

Myth, music, and magic, and dreams underfoot .     Welcome to Newford .. Welcome to the music clubs, the waterfront, the alleyways where ancient myths and magic spill into the modern world. Come meet Jilly, painting wonders in the rough city streets; and Geordie, playing fiddl...

Dreams Underfoot: A Newford Collection by Charles de Lint

The Cats of Tanglewood Forest

The bear man came after Lillian, but she had a head start. Despite his size, he was obviously hurting from the fall and slower than the fleet-footed girl who’d run hundreds of races with the Welches’ dogs, spent months learning how to repair a farm, and worked so hard for Mother Manan that her st...

The Cats of Tanglewood Forest by Charles de Lint

Sheriff Poole & The Mech Gang

This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwor...

Sheriff Poole & The Mech Gang by Charles de Lint

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