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Chelsea Chaynes books

Chelsea Chaynes
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Read Books by Chelsea Chaynes


Battle For The Womb

she said, “Get me off of this contraption at once!”   “It’s not time,” he said, “We aren’t done with you, we haven’t even started.”   She heard a slithering noise behind her. She looked down to see a large, thick creature moving across the floor. It maneuvered its way up her legs, tightening itse...

Battle For The Womb by Chelsea Chaynes

Seeding Her Womb: Book 1 (Alien Tentacle Erotica)

Panicked and free to move she looked around expecting to find Jagar, but she once again found herself in the comfortable confines of her room, wrapped in her down comforter. Max was still there in bed, in the same position she remembered last. There were no more green lights, yet the sun was star...

Seeding Her Womb: Book 1 (Alien Tentacle Erotica) by Chelsea Chaynes

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