My head is fine, but it’s buzzing with thoughts and I can’t seem to keep it still. I need to speak to Black Lizard, and soon. I need to understand how he knew what was going on with me. But I can’t just go up to the guy and ask him. I need to take my time and plan my attack very carefully. I text...
Painkillers have been administered to those who wanted them. “I feel like a relief worker in a documentary, saving all the starving natives in Somalia or something,” says Lebz with a gleeful grin. I’m too grateful for her presence to point out how politically incorrect that statement is. The ungi...
I hate clothes. I hate parties. At this moment I even hate Lebz, who looks like a million bucks in her black leather pants, ankle boots and silk top. She has a red sash around her braids and a cute handbag shaped like a fan. I’m wearing black jeans with a ridiculous sequinned dragon clawing its w...