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Chris Priestley books

Chris Priestley
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Read Books by Chris Priestley


Schauergeschichten vom Schwarzen Schiff (2011)

Encomendei esse livro quando ainda estava na metade de Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror, e, sério, isso já devia falar sobre como gostei da série, do autor e do estilo das histórias – especialmente a se considerar o quanto NÃO sou fã de coisas assustadoras, tais como caramujos carnívoros, gatos q...

Schauergeschichten vom Schwarzen Schiff (2011) by Chris Priestley

Le terrificanti storie del vascello nero (2010)

I enjoyed this more than I did the first partially because of the ship/nautical theme and because there was an ongoing story line about the brother and sister taking in a sailor, who got lost in a storm.While some of the stories were predictable they were no less entertaining and the ending of th...

Le terrificanti storie del vascello nero (2010) by Chris Priestley

Death and the Arrow: A Gripping Tale of Murder and Revenge (2007)

Well I have finally corrected that error. After reading and thoroughly enjoying the white rider I thought I ought to read the first Tom Marlowe book and I must admit that I really enjoyed it - it pretty much is in the same style as the White Rider (which is actually the other way around consideri...

Death and the Arrow: A Gripping Tale of Murder and Revenge (2007) by Chris Priestley

Billy Wizard (2005)

The first day at a new school is often tricky, and if the only person who befriends you claims to be a wizard, you simply have to make the best of it! Joe is pretty certain that Billy has, as the teacher says, just got an over-active imagination, but when he witnesses some pretty odd events at pl...

Billy Wizard (2005) by Chris Priestley

Tales of Terror from the Tunnel's Mouth

The Train g The Train It was the first railway journey I had ever made alone. My stepmother had come to the station to see me off and proceeded to embarrass me with unwanted hugs and kisses and the nursery voice she always adopted for such displays of affection. My father was away at war, fightin...

Tales of Terror from the Tunnel's Mouth by Chris Priestley

Mister Creecher

Billy ran without any real feel for direction. His running was purposeless save for a desire to put as much distance as he could between him and the giant.     He ran until his legs would take him no further and his lungs burned. He stood, doubled over and gasping for breath. ...

Mister Creecher by Chris Priestley

Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror

He recoiled from a newspaper parcel that lay, half unwrapped, on the table in the hall. Robert went over to have a closer look as his father backed away. There was a dead rabbit in the newspaper. A note was pinned to the fur, saying:Well come to Whitcot. Fresh kild this morning.    ...

Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror by Chris Priestley

Death and the Arrow (2007)

Harker took their place in the line outside Newgate prison. As always, it contained a motley collection of people. They paid their entrance money and stepped into the raucous world of the Common Ward.Inmates and their visitors were drinking at the bar, and a fight was erupting in the corner over ...

Death and the Arrow (2007) by Chris Priestley

Tales of Terror from the Black Ship

Though George was the youngest of the family and still only fifteen, he felt it entirely reasonable to have expectations.     But George had been a continual disappointment to his father. His two elder brothers seemed to have inherited his father’s bravery and bluff common sen...

Tales of Terror from the Black Ship by Chris Priestley

The Dead of Winter

It was starting to feel as though some monstrous joke was being played on me: to have the benefit of a wealthy benefactor, but to find that benefactor seemingly a step away from the madhouse. What good was a guardian who was so deranged? What crazy purpose did he have for me at that house and how...

The Dead of Winter by Chris Priestley

The Teacher's Tales of Terror (2011)

It was a dull and sunless day, but even so the tiny shop seemed gloomy and cave-like in comparison. Martha Thriplow was still occupied with trying to recall the nightmare that had disturbed her sleep. She had barely noticed anything on her walk up from the harbour. It was something terrible, she ...

The Teacher's Tales of Terror (2011) by Chris Priestley

The Dead Men Stood Together (2013)

I still had the ties of kinship with him but I certainly would never have sought out his company. Yet still I didn’t want to be the cause of any trouble to him. We sailed on, all of us happy to pretend that nothing was now amiss – that all would be well in time so long as we could see the next fe...

The Dead Men Stood Together (2013) by Chris Priestley

Christmas Tales of Terror

The drive, the lawn, the whole garden were covered in a heavy white fleece, and John felt compelled to stop and listen to the new hushed world around him. The only sound was his own breathing and the distant noise of the servants inside the house putting up the last of the decorations. It was a d...

Christmas Tales of Terror by Chris Priestley

Battle of Britain (2011)

I’d wanted to fly for as long as I could remember.     When I was a kid I used to watch swifts screeching round our house, or see swallows swooping over the summer cornfields and I’d dream of flying too. And then one day, I was up on Hunter’s Hill, when a strange noise filled ...

Battle of Britain (2011) by Chris Priestley

The Last of the Spirits (2014)

It bellowed in their ears and blinded their eyes. They shuffled along, squinting into the gloom, their senses smothered and dulled. A cliff edge could have been three steps ahead and they would have been falling before they knew. And so it was that Sam walked straight into a set of rusty iron gat...

The Last of the Spirits (2014) by Chris Priestley

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